Thursday, July 17, 2008
Branded by a dime
I hate getting into my car after work. It is an absolute oven after being parked in the bright sunlight for 8 hours. But of course I have no choice if I want to get home. So, yesterday I headed to my car as usual after work. On auto-pilot, not thinking or looking, I plopped down on to the drivers seat. Suddenly I felt this sharp searing pain in my left butt-cheek (for lack of a better word). What the hell??? I reached underneath and pulled out a dime. Obviously in my haste, I failed to notice the dime that had been roasting in the sun on my car seat all day. I just plopped my happy butt down on top of it. Holy crap that hurt!! I swear, I must have a brand of President Roosevelt permanently burned on to my butt! I guess I'll just tell people I'm really patriotic and love FDR. Then again, who's going to see my butt besides hubby anyway??
Saggy Pantyhose
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Something New Again - Journal
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Adventures in Hair Removal TMI!!
Back story: Just about everyone who knows me, whether they want to or not, knows that I'm a big fan of bikini waxing. I've been getting waxes for about 9 years now. My mother thinks I'm insane - she says I must be into S & M to do it. No Mother! It's actually not as painful as you'd think. (It's more painful to wax your lip & chin believe it or not.) Plus - with shaving you have to shave just about daily to keep it stubble-free, and all that shaving causes razor burn and wonderful little red bumps everywhere. While with waxing, I can go 4 - 6 weeks between treatments and have hardly any bumps. Anyway - I've been seeing my current esthetician for about 5 years now, and she suggested I try laser hair removal. I tried it once before, a couple of years ago, but it didn't work. The lasers zap the pigment in the hair follicle, somehow killing the follicle so the hair never grows back. I'm blonde, and unfortunately until recently, it's been almost impossible to laser blondes - not enough pigment in the hair for the laser to zap. My esthetician offered to do my first services for free, just to see if it would work. How could I pass that up??
Okay - enough back story... So... I had my first laser treatment in May. Going in, I had no idea what to expect. Kari told me she was setting the laser on 16 - whatever that means. She was starting out low since I have such pale, sensitive skin. Umm... okay. You're the professional! She was all about to start when she noticed I hadn't shaved the area. She forgot to tell me to shave. In case you didn't know, you have to let the hair grow really long in between waxing treatments, so the wax will have something to adhere to. Obviously, not so with the laser. It's actually best to shave a few days ahead of time because the laser works best on hair in the first stage of growth (there are 3 btw). I offered to reschedule my appointment so I could shave beforehand, but she said no - said it should do fine, it'll just burn the hair and smoke a little. Umm WHAT??? okay... So she started in with the laser. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt a bit! She'd pull the trigger to activate the laser 'flash', I'd feel a little pop, and then a little puff of smoke would waft up. Yep, that's right - I said smoke - the downside to my not shaving. Have you ever burned your hair? Every time she zapped me, it would burn the hair, causing smoke and leaving oh so classy burnt shrivelled up hair. It took me 3 showers with buff puffs to scrub it all off!
Fast forward to this week... I went in for my second treatment. Again my mother said that I'm nuts and must be into S&M. This time I tell her that the waxes are every 4 - 6 weeks. Three or four laser treatments and the hair's gone permanently - I never have to worry about it again! It's sooooo worth it! Besides, it doesn't hurt in the least... or so I thought. she zapped me the first time and I swear I came off of the table. Holy crap that hurt!! So she keeps going - pop pop pop pop pop pop - and I'm doing everything I can to stay on the table. I was trying to take calming breaths, trying to convince myself that it wasn't that bad - but yes it was! I ended up jerking and flopping around like a fish out of water -- screaming and cussing the whole time. That was so embarrassing - I was trying to stay quiet, but I just couldn't. I hollered with every pop! Finally she was halfway done (did the left side). I had to ask her to give me a minute to recover before she started on the right side. While I was catching my breath, I asked her why it hurt so bad this time - there's no way it was just because I shaved this time, was it? No, she tells me. She turned the laser up. Oh you did???? Well great, thanks!! No wonder it felt like she was frying my crotch! She said she could turn it down for the right side if I wanted. Umm no. I'm not having my bikini area permanently lopsided just because I couldn't handle the pain. Just finish so it'll be over & done. So we continued with our little duet - pop pop pop pop pop ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!! Just when I thought she was finishing, she told me to flip over. Crap - I forgot about my butt!! Now this is always so much fun for me anyway. As if it weren't awkward enough having her remove the hair in the front, I now had to roll over so she can get the hair on my butt... all of it. I always joke that Kari & I have become REALLY good friends. She knows me more intimately than any of my friends! :-) Anyway, back to the story --- I'm on my stomach with my butt in the air and I can't help but think "thank God I don't have gas!" About that time, Kari tells me "now warn me if you have to pass gas. I have to stop. The laser could spark a fire." WHAT????? She said that they taught her in training to always put a wet cotton ball over the client's [anus] in case they passed gas. Otherwise the laser could spark a fire. OH MY GOD!! As if it wasn't uncomfortable enough, now I have to worry about accidentally ripping one and catching my ASS on fire!! Why do I get myself into these messes?? Finally it was done. she told me the hair should fall out in about 7 days, and I needed to come for my next treatment in 6 weeks. Oh - and if I experience any itching, take Benadryl and put Cortisone on the area. That should clear it up.
I woke up the next morning with my body saying "Good morning - let the itching begin!" Itch?? That word is nowhere near strong enough. I itched so bad I wanted to scratch my flesh off! It was the same level as the worst case of poison ivy or fire ant bits I've had. Scratching was almost sexual, it felt so good! I was going insane! I popped 2 Benadryl first thing that morning to help combat the itch, and dug out the tube of Cortisone. Aw shit! while I did have Cortisone, it was ointment instead of cream. Great. Wonderful. but I had no choice, I couldn't manage without it. So, I slathered anti-itch ointment all over my bikini area and got dressed for work. It was such an icky feeling - I swear I felt like Burt Reynolds in Striptease where he covered himself in Vaseline and said "I can feel it squish my toes".
It's been 4 days now and thankfully things are all back to normal - until next time at least. I keep telling myself that it'll be worth it in the long run. I can handle two more treatments in order to be hair free permanently. Can't I?? I don't know. I'm just not sure I'll have the nerve to go through it all again!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Sick Kitty
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
BAD Vietnamese
Monday, June 30, 2008

Trapped in the post office going postal
The passport office in my local post office is open M - F 10:30am - 2:30pm. I got there just after 10:30am and there was already a line. Ugh... this doesn't look good. The handwritten sign said to take a number and get in line. Umm... sure, but where are the numbers?? The nice lady in front of me said I had to get it from the counter lady (thanks!). she was a busy counter lady too I should point out - she had a family of 5 at her counter trying to get passports. Only one of the children spoke English and was translating for the parents. I stood there for a few minutes, waiting for a break in the conversation so I could ask for a number. No luck. Finally at a quick pause, I meekly said "excuse me, I need to get a number??" The postal lady said, "I know you're there. I saw you standing there. Did you see me talking??" Oops! Okay, don't piss off the postal lady! Point to remember. I backed up a step and waited a few more minutes until she gave me a cardboard square with #10 written in black marker on it. So - back to the end of the line I go. Thank God I brought a book. After an hour without moving up even one space, I plopped my happy ass on the floor, leaned back & got lost in my book - 45 minutes later I was still sitting in the same place, and now my butt was asleep. I got up to stretch my legs, work the feeling back into my butt, and check the line in front of me. The good news was that the postal lady had worked her way through 3 more people and we were now on # 5 - good, halfway to me! The bad news was that numbers 7 & 8 were families with 5 people each. Ugh... still 13 more people... so I sat down again and tried to lose myself in my book & ipod. That was proving to be difficult because 1) family #8 - a large group with piercings and tattoos and emo kids - sat down in front of me. I had a front row view of mom's bra straps and Victoria's Secret brand underwear, and the chubby teenage daughter's whale tail (translation - the top of her thong was sticking out of the top of her low rise jeans showing a good bit of black lycra triangle & chubby skin). It was really distracting. 2) around the same time - sometime between 11:30am and 12:00pm - a hispanic mom with 2 boys lined up behind me. Normally I could care less but her older son had absolutely no comprehension of comfort zones and kept moving waaaaaay too close for me. He kept bumping up against me. I have a very large comfort zone and do not like being crowded - this was not a good thing. The younger son was about 3, and was really sweet, but got bored very quickly. He started running around, bugging his brother, making these obnoxious 3 year old noises, and teasing his brother over and over in Spanish. I don't know why, but it annoyed me even more because I couldn't tell what the insults were. Around 1:00pm-ish, he started in with "mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom mom" (you get the point)... OH. MY. GOD. I wanted to scream "Mom, I swear to God, if you don't acknowledge him, I'm going to club him over the head." Then the kids in front of me got bored and the brother & sister started annoying each other. I don't know what started it, but all of a sudden there was hollering about getting cooties and then someone else giving the infected a "cooties shot" -- "circle circle dot dot, now you have the cooties shot!" Umm... okay. Really now, they're trying to kill me. They're trying to drive me insane so I'll run screaming out of the post office and be one less person in line. Okay - calming breaths... in and out... read your book... only 3 more numbers and then it's your turn... you've only been here 3 hours, it's not THAT bad... could be worse - could be at the unemployment office... I was able to tune out the mongrels for another hour or so, made it up to page 180 in my book (that I started this morning), and made it until I was next in line - whew # 9! Almost me!! Woohoo and it's only 1:30pm!! Then the toddler in the line next to me started in on her ABC's - "oh how cute she is! Look how she's circling her mommy while singing!" Okay, once was cute, twice still cute but getting old, FOUR times with no end in sight was torture! I need to write the military as a suggestion for interrogating prisoners. "They won't talk? try a two year old singing the ABC's on an endless loop! That'll break anyone!" So now I'm chanting - "just one more number, just one more number, just one more number" under my breath. Trying to keep my eye on the prize. If I get through this, I won't have to come back for a whole 10 years - yippee! Okay - head down, eyes in your book, and ipod turned up louder to drown out all background yapping - you can do it. You can wait just a FEW MORE MINUTES until your turn! Then it happened... I couldn't believe it! It was MY TURN! Trumpets started sounding - I swear I heard a cherub chorus singing! The postal lady became the most beautiful postal employee I'd ever seen, with a glowing aura around her. My salvation - she's my ticket out of this hell! I stepped up to the counter, answered all of her questions, listened and yes m'ammed at all the correct places, gave her my money, raised my right hand and swore I was telling the truth on my passport application... then it happened -- she stamped my application in triplicate. Told me something about waiting 4 - 6 weeks for my passport to arrive, and said I was free to go... WOW... really?? you mean it?? OKAY!! I walked out of there in a daze. I was starving, sweating (cause it was freaking hot), and absolutely brain dead. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could, grabbed some fast food on the way home, and plopped my ass down in front of mindless tv for a few hours to recuperate. OMG that was an exhausting trip to nowhere...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Dreamed about my dad
So anyway... the dream... the two of them lived together in a house on pilings in some made up coastal town. For some reason I had stopped to visit and ended up deciding to stay the night. Everything started out well enough - I remember talking to my grandfather and just having the feeling of knowing my father was near by. I was really happy being able to talk to Papa. (He was always one of my favorites, and I just hung the moon for him. He lived with us and was one of my major caregivers until his death in 1985 or 1986.) It was getting late and dark, and I decided to stay instead of driving all the way home at night. My dad was very welcoming and hospitable at first, but then started in with nagging, insulting, and just being plain mean to me. He wasn't obvious about it, they were just little jabs here and there and grumbles under his breath, but I finally couldn't take it anymore and went off on him. I remember just blowing up and chewing his butt about everything and saying I wouldn't stand for it anymore - I didn't have to put up with it, and I was leaving. I turned to Papa and said again how wonderful it was to see him, I hadn't in so long, but for my own sanity, I had to go.
The dream didn't have much substance to it. It wasn't one of the seriously in-depth, detailed dreams I usually have, but it stuck with me all day - the emotions and frustration stayed with me all day. It's odd - I wonder what brought it on...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Good Day
- Hubby's out of town, so I had to both get myself and my son up and out of the house early so I could drop him off at day-care before heading to work. Mission Accomplished! It was actually much easier than I expected - he actually woke up early on his own so I didn't have to battle with a comatose rugrat.
- I weighed myself this morning. I've lost another 2 lbs, so I'm finally back down to my lowest weight (I'd gained 10 lbs back since April...). So I'm wearing my now loose jeans to work and a shirt I haven't worn in a year. Yay me!
So yeah... if the day keeps up with this morning, it's going to be a good day!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
THURSDAY 13 - Insulting Nicknames for my cat
One of the biggest past times in our house is making up goofy nicknames for the cats. I know I know, we're total dorks for it, but what can I say - it's fun! We have nicknames for all 3 of them, but Shelby I think has the most - and the most insulting. I swear, she was a beer guzzling, belching, obnoxious guy in a past life. It totally fits her personality. Either that or a dog LOL. She drools constantly - I mean big spit globbers, like a large dog, she fetches bottle caps & other little toys, she growls and even barks sometimes, and she's the messiest eater.
Anyway... enough background story - here's my list of nicknames:
1. Slobberface
4. Grumpelstilskin
6. Snufalufu-butt (as in Sesame Street’s Snufalufacus)
7. O Cranky One
8. Pet Cemetery (thanks Chris)
9. El Gato de Diablo (thanks Taylor)
10. The Dog
11. Stink-a-saurus
12. Stink-zilla
13. Grumble-butt
Notice the pissed off expression...
This one she's trying to look vicious and mean, but she's actually yawning...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home
Rain & My Glass Office
So anyway, this is a totally new experience for me. I can actually see outside! Not only can I see outside, but I'm basically in a glass conservatory - AND it has an industrial looking metal ceiling. It's really nice normally, but OMG I just found out it's freaking loud in a rainstorm!! Ever been in a house or on a porch with a tin roof?? Well that's what I'm getting now, and it's echoing all over the place. I can barely hear the phone! But - beggars can't be choosers, and I'll gladly take the noise any day if it means I get the windows. Check it out... isn't it nice????
my desk
view from my desk
front door / another view from my desk
ceiling and last view from my desk
Monday, June 23, 2008
Text Conversation with Hubby
ME: Wow. Ever see executives get into a brawl? I'm about to! I have a front row seat to a major argument.
HUBBY: Once at (ABC Company) two of the high risk traders got into it. Major entertainment.
ME: Wow - two battling suits! The only thing that would make it better would be if they were midgets!
HUBBY: You really do have issues... and a good grasp of what's funny...
ME: Why thank you!
Chick Fil-A
Anyway... I just don't get it. I've never seen crowds like that at any of the other 1,001 fast food restaurants around. Okay - maybe once at Krispie Kreme when they just opened their Houston location, but that was just initial mass hysteria. The lines totally died down after the first couple of weeks. But - name any of the burger or chicken places, none of them have swarms of people like Chick Fil-A. Weird...
I guess it might be one of the great mysteries of life that we'll never learn the answer to... though I think it might have something to do with suburban church-going folk and soccer moms... hmm...
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Funeral Yesterday - Barbara Jean Shumate
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Vietnamese food delights

Monday, June 16, 2008
Fashion emergency - self conscious

Friday, June 13, 2008
New Mary Janes
And NO COMMENTS from the peanut gallery about the term "mary jane" - that means you Rex! :-)

P.S. Holy crap - I didn't realize I was that pale! No, I am not wearing white tights -- those are my legs! LOL
Miss Observant
Okay, I just want to point out - I learned to drive in Louisiana where the driving test to get my license was 4 right turns at stop signs and pulling into a parking spot (nose in I might add). I don't do well in reverse. I tend to hit things. This is going to be interesting. Either I'm going to get a crash course on backing in to parking places correctly, or my insurance company is going to stay busy with my claims. I wonder if they'll set up a 1-800 number just for my claims. 1-800-wendyhitme or
Work clothes again
Did I mention I bought several dresses for work? It's weird for me, I know. Seriously, I remember wearing a dress Easter 2003 and to my friend's college graduation in 2003 or 2004. That's it, that's the last time. Plus, neither time did I wear hose. I got all dolled up Tuesday fro my first day on the job. I wore a new skirt and blouse, hose, and heels - whoa! I'm turning a corner in my wardrobe. Gone are the comfortable slacks, sensible but ugly shoes, and boxy shirts. In are figure showing dresses, hose, and heels. And even when I'm wearing my slacks, I have on a feminine blouse & shoes. I have to say, I feel prettier in these clothes - and I'm getting noticed! I have to walk through the cafeteria to get to the lady's room, and I've spotted a few of the plant workers/industrial guys glancing my way! Yesterday I wore a dress that was cut a little lower than I remembered causing my to show a bit more cleavage than I'd have liked. Everyone got a free show, but oh well - nothing I could do about it. I even got a compliment from one of the ladies!
But I have to admit my feet are seriously suffering and feeling the pain of looking good. The black heels I wore on Tuesday were no big deal. I wore them to work and then karate practice in the evening with no problems. But my brown heels are killing me! They're 3 1/2 inches high which isn't normally TOO bad, but is a killer when you're hoofing all over everywhere! Plus, I was a complete dumb ass on Wednesday and forgot to bring a pair of tennis shoes to wear to and from the car, which of course is parked in BFE - 10 miles from the building. I whined to my mom last night about my feet - she told me to clean up the bottoms of the feels and return them. Why on Earth would I do that? They may be little pain inducing torture devices, but they look good! I'm thinking about buying the same pair in black! My grandmother taught me that you sometimes have to suffer to look good. She gave me a pair of espadrille heels once that were a half size too small and hurt like hell, but I wore them! and I did look good!
THAT woman in traffic
I do have two rules I always abide by:
1. I don't put on make-up while driving on the freeway.
2. I don't curl my eyelashes, put on mascara or eyeliner while the car is moving.
I mean I do have to draw the line somewhere - for safety's sake of course!
Oh and FYI in case this scares you - I drive a 2000 gold Chevy Malibu, and I'm on the road in Spring and The Woodlands 6:30am - 7:30am Monday through Friday. So... If you see me weaving your way, get out of mine!
New Job etc Part 2
Things are going really well at work. It's still a shock to my system to be back in the professional world, but I'm adjusting much more quickly than I thought I would. Kind of like riding a bike, you never forget completely. But it's still night and day to what I've been doing for the last few years. I went from a small office of 25 with almost no on-site visitors and few calls to a company with about 800 employees and a constant flow of visitors all day. For the past 4 years I've been doing just about everything to keep myself busy - email, surf the web, read tons of books & magazines, and IM constantly all day. Now I'm bombarded with so many calls & visitors, I barely have time to check email once much less IM. So THIS is what it's like to work for a living - oh yeah, I think I remember now!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Back to the rat race
Clothing wise -- I was always one of the more put together, nicer dressers at my last office - but even my wardrobe had recently taken a swing towards casual. I'd gotten really lazy and mainly wore slacks and golf shirts. I figured if the guys in the office could get away with it, so could I. I spent most of last week and the weekend buying dresses, suits, heels, hose, and a Spanx or two. And whoa, was I out of my comfort zone this morning as I dressed. I've got it all on - a dress, hose, heels, jewelry, and even a slip!
Of course I have to look put together, I'm the receptionist - or Front Desk Coordinator as we're now called. I have the skills of an executive assistant and could easily do those positions, but I don't know, I just like being the girl behind the giant marble desk. I've been doing this same position for over 10 years now. I like having the contact with all of the people coming and going. You can really perk up someone's day with just a smile and a "good morning" or "have a good evening". People think the receptionists are the bottom of the totem pole, and sometimes we are, but what you don't realize is that we're the ones who know everything that's going on in the company. We see who's coming and going, who's meeting whom, and who's calling. Up here in my little receptionist bubble (as I call it), I can see into all of the company groups and orgs without having to get wrapped up in them.
Well - It's the end of day one... and I made it! I have to admit I panicked a time or two today, but that's normal on a first day I think. Compared to my office of all of 25 people, this place is freaking huge! It's the corporate headquarters for a division of a Fortune 500 drilling, oil & gas company. What's wild is that even though it's the corporate headquarters, there's also a plant on site -- so in addition to managers and executives in their business dress, there are tons of guys in Dickie overalls and protective glasses walking through.
To be continued...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Speaking of hair...
While driving home yesterday, I realized that even though the hair on my arms was very blonde, it was also SERIOUSLY long. So while stopped at a stoplight, I whipped out the scissors and proceeded to snip at it. Okay, really now - sometimes I'm so blonde and du-umb I scare myself. As if snipping at my arm hair in the car wasn't bad enough, common sense says PUT THE SCISSORS DOWN when the light turns green. But nooooo, not me! Just a couple of minutes and a little tap on the brakes later and I cut myself. Great...
Thursday, June 5, 2008
That bitch took my hair!
I got a job! A temp job!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Eskimo Hut

Friday, May 30, 2008
I'm back!
Sorry for disappearing like that - I've been swamped with work stuff. This changing jobs thing is complicated! First we interviewed candidates for my replacement 2 weeks ago - part of the deal was they each had to work a day with me shadowing them to see how they handled things. Then I spent last week training the one they selected - God that was tedious. I mean I was the receptionist -- I didn't do enough to warrant training someone for a week. Two, three days maybe, but not five. I went home after lunch Thursday & Friday - what were they going to do, fire me? LOL
I was officially unemployed as of Tuesday this week. I've spent this week calling and interviewing with agencies. I swear, I'm totally brain dead from all of the skills and computer tests I've taken. Every time I go through this process, I always wish I could take those damn tests once and just share the scores with all of them.
Anyway - I'm now officially registered with three agencies. Two are branches of larger corporations, and one's an independent firm. Hopefully I'll start getting assignments and get back to work next week.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Not around much
So... I'll try to check in, in the evenings this week. Keep you posted on my random thoughts of the week.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Goodbye Ron Stone
Wow. Ron Stone died. If you're outside of Houston, you've probably never heard of Ron Stone, but I grew up watching him on tv every day. He was a fixture on Houston newscasts from 1972 to 1992. He was an anchor at our NBC affiliate KPRC Channel 2, and hosted a weekly program 'The Eyes of Texas' which "focused on unique people, events and places throughout the state of Texas". He was a local celebrity, and really more of a member of the family to most of us. I remember seeing him eating lunch at the counter in 59 Diner about 12 - 13 years ago and being starstruck.
Houston has lost an icon - one of the good 'ole Texan gentlemen. He will be greatly missed.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day Presents

Friday, May 9, 2008
"Sweep The Leg" - No More Kings
It's a long video, but oh so worth it... (I think anyway...)
Band Adjustment - I'M HUNGRY!
Now comes the hard part... I'm on liquids only today and tomorrow, soft foods Sunday and Monday, and I can go back to real food Monday or Tuesday. But I swear, I don't care how many smoothies and protein shakes I drink, I'm always hungry! I know it's a mental thing, but I just want to be able to chew my food! Ugh! Oh well... it's only 2 days... I can handle it...
I think...
Thursday, May 8, 2008

1. Real Genius -
"I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates when he said, "I drank what?"
"You get even with Kent. It's a moral imperative. "
"Think before you ask these questions, Mitch."
"Kent, this is God."
"This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This? This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated. "
2. Ghostbusters -
"Ray. If someone asks if you are a god, you say, YES!"
"Nimble little minx, isn't she?"
"You're right, no human being would stack books like this."
"Listen... do you smell something?"
"Somebody blows their nose and you want to keep it? Egon, your mucus."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Nice shootin', Tex!"
3. Twister:
"Uh... yeah, trust me. Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise. "
"Cow. Another Cow. Actually I think that was the same one"
"Honey, your car is in a tree around the corner. "
"Find this road... it's like Bob's Road... "
4. Lion King:
"She's gonna EAT ME!" "Let me get this straight. You know her. She knows you. But she wants to eat him. And everybody's okay with this? Did I miss something?"
"Tell me about it. I just hear that name and I shudder. Mufasa! Ooooh! Do it again! Mufasa! Ooooh! Mufasa, Mufasa, Mufasa! Ooooh! [breaks into laughter] And it tingles me! I'm surrounded by idiots"
5. Jurassic Park:
"Must go faster. Must go faster."
"Is it heavy? Uhh yeah. Then it's expensive, put it back."
" Now eventually you might have dinosaurs on your, on your dinosaur tour, right? Hello? yes?"
"Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming. " (that's actually from Jurassic Park 2)
6. Steel Magnolias:
"In a good shoe, I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, I buy a size eight."
"Pink is my signature color."
"All gay men have track lightin'. And all gay men are named Mark, Rick, or Steve."
"Looks like two pigs fightin' under a blanket."
"Well, you know what they say: if you don't have anything nice to say about anybody, come sit by me!"
"They'd been smokin' everything but their shoes."
"You are evil, and you must be destroyed."
"you sound almost chipper. What happened today - you run over a small child or something?"
"Well, these thighs haven't gone out of the house without lycra on them since I was 14."
"Oh! He's a real gentleman! I bet he takes the dishes out of the sink before he PEES in it!"
"He is a boil on the butt of humanity!"
7. Fried Green Tomatoes:
"Face it, girls, I'm older and I have more insurance."
"How many of them hormones you takin', honey?"
"Towanda! Righter of Wrong, Queen Beyond Compare!"
8. Adventures in Babysitting:
"Don't fuck with the Lords of Hell. Don't fuck with the babysitter."
" if either of you give me any grief I swear to God I'll kill you. Dead, murdered, stabbed."
"The chick is losing it."
9. Emperor's New Groove"
"No touchy! no touch!"
"I'm sorry, but you've thrown off the Emperor's groove."
"Yay. I'm a llama again! Wait..."
10. Dude Where's May Car?:
"Dude... SWEET!"
"And then? No "and then"! And then!"
11. Lilo & Stitch:
"Coconut cake AND coffee!"
"Also cute and fluffy!"
"I like fluffy!"
"No more caffeine for you."
"Stitch is troubled. He needs desserts! Desserts!"
12. Sneakers:
"I want peace on earth and goodwill toward men. We are the United States Government! We don't do that sort of thing."
"Cattle mutilations are up."
" "Give him head"? "Be a beacon" ?"
"I want a Winnebago. Fully equipped, big kitchen, water bed...AM-FM, CD, microwave. Burgundy interior."
13. Toy Story:
"YOU! ARE! A! TOYYYYY! You're not the real Buzz Lightyear! You're - you are an action figure! You are a child's play-thing!"
"You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity."
"What's wrong with him? Laser envy."
"Ages three and up! It's on my box! Ages three and up!"
"You're mocking me, aren't you?"
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Karaoke Man
So... I met Karaoke Man about a month after I moved into my last apartment I lived in while I was single. (was that a sentence?) It was a nice day out and I'd opened my windows to let the breeze in - when some music drifted in. At first I thought it was an outdoor concert down the road, then I realized it was coming from next door. My Asian next door neighbor was singing karaoke, and if that wasn't enough, he had a MAJOR accent and serious difficulty with English. So, instead of hearing "Feelings, nothing more than feelings" I heard"feewing, noting more dan feewing". If THAT wasn't enough, it turned out that was the first of an almost daily serenade of the SAME song from Karaoke Man. Day or night, 2am, 12pm, 3pm, 8am or 4am - it didn't matter. As he went on, he'd get louder and louder until it was coming through the walls. I complained to the apartment managers several times. Of course they died laughing thinking it was the funniest thing they'd heard. I told them you wouldn't think that after your fourth sleepless night of "feewings" vibrating through your walls. They sent him several letters, but he ignored them, and there really wasn't anything they could do - he wasn't breaking any laws, just being an inconsiderate neighbor. I'd started dating hubby during this time too. OMG, the first time he heard Karaoke Man, he nearly died. Again, of course it's funny the first time you hear it - around 5pm, but oh wow was hubby ticked off the first time it woke him up at 3:00am. After the 4th or so night of it, he asked me, "does he EVER stop?" Nope! That's his favorite pass time!
I was tortured with Karaoke Man for about 4 - 6 months until he moved out. Wow - I' never loved silence so much in my life. The new neighbors weren't perfect, they had a noisy kid who loved to play on the landing right outside my front door. But I didn't care, I'd take a noisy kid any day over "feewing, noting more dan feewing"!
Ladies Restroom Etiquette
There are just a few clear rules for the ladies restroom that are never spoken about, but for some reason everyone knows and follows them.
- If there are several open stalls, do not go into the stall immediately next to someone. Always leave an empty stall on either side when possible. Same with the sinks. If you're in a large restroom like a movie theater or airport with tons of sinks, do not pick the sink immediately next to someone. We have very large comfort zones in restrooms.
- Do not fart or poo if there is someone else in the restroom. I have on several occasions left the restroom when I REALLY had to go because there was someone else in there. I've waited until the person left, or at work before gone to a different floor to use the restroom.
- If you must pass gas or 'go potty', flush repeatedly so no one else can hear you. Now of course you obviously know what's going on if you hear the repeated flushes, but of course that's not spoken of. AND - if you're still in there when the flusher emerges from the stall, do not make eye contact. She's embarrassed enough as it is.
This last one isn't one of the "written in stone unspoken rules" but more of a common courtesy request. Please don't talk on your cell phones while in the stall. One, the person you're speaking to most likely doesn't like hearing the toilets flushing and all of the other bathroom noise. But also, it makes the other women in the bathroom very self conscious.
So anyway... just my contribution to the manners of society...
Monday, May 5, 2008
Chimney Swifts
AND - because there's no worry about a fire anymore, we left the top of the chimney open for the chimney swifts. I've actually learned a lot about them. For one, they're protected - it's illegal to kill or even just disturb their nests. The chimney people said that they'd have to wait until the family leaves to remove the debris from the next. It's a BIG fine if you're caught removing a nest. Also, once they find a nesting place, they come back every year for life, and then the babies come back every year too. So, unless we put a cap on top of the chimney, we're the hosts of families of chimney swifts. Which really, is fine with me. They're noisy little suckers, but honestly I like it. I've gotten used to their chirping. They're usually loudest at sunrise and sunset, that's when the parents leave & return with dinner so the kids are all worked up. And it's the babies who make the most noise. They'll stay with us for about 6 months, until the babies are old enough to fly away, and then they'll migrate where ever they go in the winter. But we'll see them again next spring and it starts all over again.
Quit my job - yikes!
Wish me luck! and I'll keep you posted...
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Buddhist Thought for the Day
Buddhism: Your Daily Meditation
A myriad bubbles were floating on the surface of a stream. 'What are you?' I cried to them as they drifted by. 'I am a bubble, of course' nearly a myriad bubbles answered, and there was surprise and indignation in their voices as they passed. But, here and there, a lonely bubble answered, 'We are this stream', and there was neither surprise nor indignation in their voices, but just a quiet certitude. - Ask the Awakened by Wei Wu Wei
Karate Boy!
Oh and I'm turning into a total soccer mom... The school has stickers for your car. I always said I hated that when you see the big SUV's with "Kaitlyn's" dance school sticker on the back. But I'm SO tempted to get one from the martial arts school!
Thursday Thirteen 05/01/08 - Strange Illnesses
Thirteen Strange Illnesses/Conditions I’ve had so far:
1. Hand Foot & Mouth Virus
2. Viral Meningitis
3. Chickenpox TWICE as a kid
4. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
5. Interstitial Cystitis
6. Scarlet Fever
7. Whooping Cough
8. Tadpole Pupil
9. Basilar Artery Migraines
10. Repetitive Motion Sprain of my right thumb from playing my ipod & texting too much.
11. Herpes on my left knee
12. Bursitis of my right knee
13. Hypothyroidism
My friends are taking bets on how long until I get the plague…
Thirteen surgeries/hospital stays:
1. This should actually count as three, cause I’ve had three, but… laser surgery for endometriosis.
2. Top right two ribs removed because of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
3. Tonsillectomy (at 31 I might add)
4. Sinus surgery from sinus infection that lasted 6 months.
5. Surgery to repair tendonitis in right wrist
6. Lap-Band
7. C-section when my son was born
8. Does stitches count? I had my right foot slammed in a car door as a child, requiring stitches.
9. Hospital stay for viral meningitis 1999
10. Hospital stay for pregnancy complications 2001
11. Hospital stay for migraines 2006
12. Hospital stay for tachycardia & migraines 2007
13. Hospital stay for hand foot & mouth disease 2008
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Cooking at home
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bumper sticker of the week 04/28

Books books and more books!
1. I'm currently reading the complete set of The Chronicles of Narnia, starting with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
2. I'm halfway through Christine Feehan's GhostWalker series - there are 5 of those, I've read 3 so far.
3. I just bought the first in Christine Feehan's Dark Series (vampire series) - there are so far 18 in that series.
4. Bought the first in Kelley Armstrong's Otherworld Series - I read book 8 last year, now I want to start at the beginning. There are 11 so far in that series.
5. I have all three of MJ Rose's Butterfield Institute series. I've started book 1 twice now, but put it down.
6. I picked up Lisa Jackson's latest hardback "Lost Souls" on Saturday.
7. and The Ghost Map by Steven Johnson. It looked interesting, about the cholera outbreak in London in 1854.
8. I started reading "Beautiful Children" by Charles Bock a few weeks ago, but it didn't really grab me, so I switched to something else. I may go back to it after I've read all of my others.
9. I still need to finish the Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony. I've read the first three of seven.
10. I started George Orwell's 1984 too. That one's so small, I need to just finish it.
11. and The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by Gordon Dalhquist. That one's HUGE and lost my interest about 1/3 into it.
12. I have Ghost Story by Peter Straub
13. and Velocity by Dean Koontz
14. and TONS of Meditation and Buddhist books I read from time to time. I love reading the Dalai Lama's books.
I think that's it for now. I have about 20-something waiting to be read. Wow - I didn't realize it was that many -- I need to hop to it!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Letter from CS Lewis
I'm reading the Chronicles of Narnia for the first time, starting with The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. CS Lewis wrote the following dedication for the book:
To Lucy Barfield...
My Dear Lucy,
I wrote this story for you, but when I began it I had not realized that girls grow quicker than books. As a result you are already too old for fairy tales, and by the time it is printed and bound you will be older still. But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again. You can then take it down from some upper shelf, dust it, and tell me what you think of it. I shall probably be too deaf to hear, and too old to understand a word you say, but I shall still be
your affectionate Godfather,
CS Lewis
One of my favorite sayings (and I have it on my blog profile) is "we don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." Maybe it's because I get my name from Wendy in Peter Pan or maybe because I'm a tad obsessed with Alice in Wonderland, but I don't think we're ever too old for fairy tales. The world can be a magical place filled with fairies and unicorns, trolls and elves, princesses and godmothers, witches and warlocks, and all sorts of mythical creatures and characters. You just have to believe in the magic that's all around and inside each of us.
The little things
I want a dog
Hubby says no. We already have 3 cats, and besides he doesn't think I'll like owning a dog. He says I like the idea of having a dog, but I wouldn't actually enjoy having a dog. I don't have the patience for a dog. Which is right I think. I really am a cat person.
Anyway... so I told my friend that I want a puppy and I was trying to figure out which breed to get... he sent me a link to the "Pet-O-Matic". It's a little quiz where you answer several questions and it tells you which type of animal is best for you as a pet. Great! So I'm thinking it'll help me pick out what kind of puppy I want. I entered in my info and it told me... my perfect pet is a CAT. Well I guess that settles it. Even the computer says I'm not a dog person. Oh well, I guess it's not meant to be!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Happy Secretary's Day just delivered a flower arrangement with a Happy Birthday balloon for me! My birthday is in September! I think it's my Secretary's Day present... a day late... and wrong balloon... that's okay, it's the thought that counts right?
Thursday 13 - Places to Visit
1. Fredericksburg Texas - one of my favorite places to disappear for a weekend. German food and my favorite cabin/bed & breakfast.
2. St. Croix US Virgin Islands - I'd live there if I could.
3. New Orleans - what can I say, it's still home.
5. Key West Florida
6. Keystone Colorado
7. Disneyworld / Orlando Florida
8. Seattle Washington
9. Mississippi Gulf Coast
10. Galveston Texas
11. Mexico
12. San Antonio Texas
13. Houston of course!
Wow... I didn't realize how hard it'd be to come up with 13 different places. I guess I haven't really travelled that much... I need to work on that!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bumper Sticker of the week 04/22/08

Jimmy Buffett, Parrotheads, and Me
The gates opened at 6:30pm and the concert started at 8:00pm. If you don't know the Woodlands Pavilion, it's an outdoor arena with a covered seated section, and then this big hill with "lawn seats" (the grassy knoll as we referred to it) where you just plant you butt and that's your seat. We got there about 6:45ish and managed to snag a pretty good spot down towards the front of the hill and then the fun began - the people watching. Umm... wow. Parrotheads are a pretty unique crowd! The crowd spanned from older broke hippies and super rich baby boomers who you know have been going to the concerts since the 70's to the mid-30's professionals/kids of the hippies who grew up with Jimmy, to the college guys/20 something's who routinely get plastered listening to Jimmy, to the ones we couldn't quite figure out - the teenage girls & guys in bathing suits. and I swear this was the biggest freaking love fest I've ever been to - even with the majority of the people drunk before the concert even started, it was still just la-le-la happy times. Of course, I'm sure half of the audience was passing pot around too and that would mellow anyone out but still... And the outfits - OMG! Of course there were parrot & Hawaiian shirts EVERYWHERE - including hubby I might add. People in grass skirts with coconut bra tops (way too many men in that get up - blech!), bikinis and bathing suits, bermuda shorts & Hawaiian shirts, hats of every sort - shark hats, cheeseburger hats, parrot hats, hats with lights, hats with drinks, you name it! People looked like blooming idiots, but no one cared - everyone was just having a great time. Even though I didn't know the music, I still had a blast. I just sat there on the grass, swaying to the beat, laughing at the drunks (again, hubby included) and watching 10,000 of my closest friends dance with their hands like shark fins on their heads.
Weight Loss Vow
I haven't lost any weight since December. I was doing really good last fall after my surgery, lost 30 lbs in three months. Then came the holidays, then vacation, and then it was just plain laziness - but I fell back into my old routines of eating whatever crap I wanted & not exercising. I'm going to gain back what little I've lost so far if I keep this up.
So, no more excuses. Here I go...
- I have an appointment for a band adjustment (which will help tons).
- I'm cutting out the fast food, junk, and sweets.
- I'm going to work out AT LEAST 3 days a week. (I pay for the gym membership, I need to use it.)
- I'm going to drink all of my water.
No more excuses. I've buckled down and done it before - I can do it now. I WILL lose the weight.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursday Thirteen 04/17/08
Thirteen 80's movies I absolutely adore. This is nowhere near a complete list of course, just the first 13 that I could think of: