So hubby asks me last night "do we have anything going on Monday? I keep thinking there's something, but I can't remember what."
"Umm... honey?? Monday's your birthday."
"Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I KNEW there was something happening Monday!"
Friday, February 29, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Boy Fits - Mama Breakdowns
I am drained - completely totally emotionally drained. My son started throwing these massive screaming fits for absolutely no reason this week. We've had one every morning and evening since about Saturday. Oh my God - I am completely and totally wiped out emotionally by the time he's through. The worst part I think is that they make no sense at all. Something sets him off, something small that doesn't go right, or something we've told him to do that he doesn't want to, anything really. I think he's having a hard time realizing that the world does not revolve around him, and he must conform to our rules. He doesn't like following directions and doing something that's not exactly his idea and way. I think initially that's what starts his fits, but then they just get out of control. He gets so wrapped up in screaming and crying that he won't stop and listen and realize that what's going on. For example - yesterday morning he was screaming over and over at the top of his lungs that his head hurt. I tried to tell him that I had Tylenol for him, but he wouldn't stop screaming long enough to hear me. The same thing happened twice tonight. First in the bathtub he was screaming at Daddy that he could wash himself (over and over again), and he wouldn't stop, look, and listen long enough to realize that Dad was trying to give him the washcloth so he COULD do it himself. Then he was standing in the tub screaming (over and over) that he was freezing. But yet he wouldn't step out of the tub to be wrapped up in the towel Daddy was holding and pj's I had that would warm him up. My God the screaming is killing me. I have to scream for him to stop just to be heard over him. I keep picturing the hysterical lady you see in the movies who won't stop screaming and someone ends up slapping her in the face with "snap out of it!". I swear, I just want to smack him upside the head! But of course I would never slap my child. However, spanking on the other hand... well... he has gotten a couple of smacks on the butt. I finally got him calmed down again and tucked in bed this evening. Once we were all settled and calm again I asked him where these fits were coming from. They're new. Is there something going on that I don't know about? Something that's triggering them? He said he didn't know. He couldn't remember. Umm... okay. Then we talked quietly for a few minutes. I reminded him of what a big boy he is and how very smart he is. He's too big and too smart to be throwing tantrums like this. If he's upset he needs to use his words to express himself. He said he'd try. Of course he's six. There's no telling what will happen tomorrow. We could have a wonderful day or it could be WW3 again - who knows. Ugh, motherhood's a bitch sometimes. But he's the love of my life and I wouldn't trade a day with him for all the treasures in the world. He's six - I just need to keep reminding myself that he's six, and he'll outgrow this phase just like any other.
My Car's back - YAY!
Yay - Bessie's all better! I have to give the guys at Munday Chevrolet kudos for the fast service & turn around on my car. I dropped it off Monday to have the a/c repaired. In addition to just that, they found my water pump & some belts needed to be replaced. They did all the work and still had my car ready by Tuesday morning. With the a/c problem I seriously was expecting to be without it all week.
Yay guys! Thanks SO MUCH!
Yay guys! Thanks SO MUCH!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Three Kittens' First Grand Adventure
This is really cute! But mute it. It's just fine without sound... (honestly I haven't heard it with sound yet, so it could be really annoying...)
Academy Awards Wrap Up
I'm completely copying and pasting this article from MSN. I love the author's humor and it really sums up the show last night. BTW, check out Jon Stewart's one-liners -- they're hilarious!
Stewart gets edgy, Tilda gets funny, and everyone's got bedhead!
By Kim Morgan Special to MSN Movies
To think that just a couple of weeks ago, this whole Oscar shindig might have been cancelled...
But the three-month-long Writers Guild strike was settled in the nick of time, so the biggest movie awards show in the world -- the American equivalent of a coronation -- could go on, and stars could gather to honor ... other stars. As host Jon Stewart quipped: "Having the Oscars helped end the strike ... before we spend the next four to five hours giving each other golden statues, let's take a moment to congratulate ourselves."
The 80th Annual Academy Awards were not all just pats on the back, writer jokes and fantastic frocks (well, actually, there were a lot of fantastic frocks): Many of the nominated films, actors, writers and directors were (double gasp!) actually deserving, and two of the pictures -- "There Will Be Blood" and "No Country for Old Men" -- are bona-fide masterpieces. If there was any kind of theme this year, it was Oscar getting it almost right -- nominating interesting films and artists from all over the world (England, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Austria were all represented). And of the contenders, there was new talent (Ellen Page for "Juno"), older icons (Hal Holbrook for "Into the Wild") and, for heaven's sake, Viggo Mortensen (perhaps one of the coolest men walking the earth) for "Eastern Promises."
Still, maybe it was all this good taste and worthiness that made the show a little ... staid. Don't get me wrong, there were some surprises and spirited highlights, like Stewart's opening monologue, some heartfelt acceptance speeches and one (or should I say "Once"?) musical performance. And there were also some lowlights, like Academy President Sid Ganis' attempts at humor, the uninspired video pieces and three musical performances from "Enchanted."
So we're here to hand out awards for the best, worst and weirdest of the ceremony. The envelope, please:
Most Moving Acceptance Speech: How does he do it? Picking up his Best Supporting Actor award for playing psychopath Anton Chigurh in "No Country For Old Men," Javier Bardem managed to be likable, studly, humble, casual and touching all at once. Ambling on stage with his mussed-up hair and mischievous smile, he said, "I have to speak fast here, man" and then pointed out everything from how amazing the award was to his curious Dutch-boy haircut from the movie. But when he honored his "Mama" (entirely in Spanish) with nary a trace of sappiness, the charming Spaniard caught us off guard. We were positively teary-eyed. And then he all but strutted off-stage. Hmmm... maybe it's not Viggo but Javier who's the coolest man walking the face of the earth.
Best Jon Stewart Joke, Part 1: "Tonight we look beyond the dark days and focus on happier fare. This year's slate of Oscar-nominated psychopathic killer movies. Does this town need a hug? What happened? 'No Country For Old Men,' 'Sweeney Todd,' 'There Will Be Blood.' All I can say is thank God for teen pregnancy."
Funniest Acceptance Speech: Tilda Swinton. She is known for her edgy, serious work in heavy films like "Orlando" and "The Deep End" and as the famed ice queen from "The Chronicles of Narnia" so who knew she was so damn funny? When accepting her Best Supporting Actress win for "Michael Clayton," the red-haired Brit hilariously capped her speech by mercilessly teasing co-star George Clooney: "George Clooney... you know. The seriousness and dedication to your art, seeing you climb into that rubber bat suit from "Batman and Robin," the one with nipples, every morning, under your costume, on the set, off the set, hanging upside at lunch. You rock, man. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ever the class act, Clooney took it like, well, like George Clooney -- a man.
Am I Crazy Or... Was seeing acclaimed filmmaker Spike Lee and his "Jungle Fever" star, recent tax evader Wesley Snipes, sitting together as essentially dates kind of heartwarming? And they looked fantastic. Maybe they'll make another movie together? I'm sure Snipes would be happy. The IRS is another story...
Edgiest Jon Stewart Joke: "Julie Christie was absolutely amazing in 'Away From Her.' Brilliant movie. It was a moving story of a woman who forgets her own husband. Hillary Clinton called it the 'feel good movie of the year.' "
Buzz Off: Can Jerry Seinfeld please stop promoting that damn bee movie? We saw you on Oprah. We saw you on Letterman. We saw you on Larry King. We get it. You made freaking "Bee Movie." And yes, we know it will be available on DVD this March. And showing the montage of great stinging film moments didn't make us want to rush out and buy (ugh!) "Bee Movie." Seriously, we'd so rather watch that hilarious Bill Murray bee sequence from "Rushmore" over Jerry's entire animated classic.
Bad in Black: One would think black is basic -- that it flatters all who wear it. But the usually perky and lovely Jennifer Garner appeared downright dour in her dark frock, looking both unhappy and uncomfortable in such a gothic get-up. Helena Bonham Carter (where was she, anyway?) she is not.
Ladies in Red: Perhaps in the spirit of all the violent movies nominated this year, many actresses opted for bold red dresses. Helen Mirren, Anne Hathaway, a stunning Katherine Heigl channeling Marilyn Monroe, Heidi Klum and, uh, Miley Cirus all went primary. Wait, what the hell was Miley Cirus doing there?
Am I Crazy Or... Is Amy Adams becoming really irritating? I don't dislike the lovable star, but her appearance this year left me with conflicted emotions. As she performed "Happy Working Song," one of the three nominated songs for her film "Enchanted," I was both embarrassed and overwhelmingly annoyed by her Betty Boop/Snow White impersonation. Did she even want to perform this? And to make matters worse, little Miss Adams continued her cutesy, goody-goody act while presenting the award for Best Original Score. Typecast much? I hate to say this, but she needs to play a hooker/heroin addict/convicted murderer stat. That cuteness is starting to curdle.
Best Jon Stewart Joke, Part 2: "There is a great variety in the nominated films this year. Even 'Norbit,' got a nomination, which I think is great. Too often the Academy ignores movies that aren't good."
Technically Speaking: Why do Scientific and Technical Achievement Awards always have to be handed out by Hollywood's latest babe-du-jour? I know, I know. I'm sure all those guys slaving over their computers and gadgets and inventions more than enjoy the presence of sexy Jessica Alba (who looks terrific pregnant, by the way), but why not something new next year? How about Philip Seymour Hoffman presenting the award -- preferably as his Ned Beatty/Wilford Brimley-esque character of "Charlie Wilson's War."
Am I Crazy Or... Did the more hysterical of the two winning directors of Best Documentary Short Subject ("Freeheld," which I'm sure is a fine short film) provide the most unintentionally hilarious line of the evening: "It was Lt. Laurel Hester's dying wish that her fight against discrimination would make a difference for all same sex couples that face discrimination every day. Discrimination that I don't face as a married woman." The sentiment was nice, but why did she sound like Sally Struthers?
Ruffled Razz-Ma-Tazz: Aside from an incredibly dapper George Clooney, who looked a cross between Cary Grant and Clark Gable with his slicked-back hair and perfect tux, this year's male attire was decidedly relaxed though strikingly attractive. Most everyone appeared a little unkempt (mussed hair, unshaven face, less-traditional tuxes) and yet not at all slobby. They were in fact elegant and eclectic. Viggo Mortensen looked extraordinary rocking a Vincent Van Gogh beard and knee-length dinner jacket. Daniel Day-Lewis' longer hair and more retro tux was fetching. And Javier Bardem, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Harrison Ford all appeared with a little bed-head ... which was actually very sexy. I'm not even going to start with Johnny Depp.
Least Surprising, Most Deserving Win: I think he's a genius (sorry to all of you out there who think him a ham), so I was ecstatic when the entirely deserving Daniel Day-Lewis picked up his golden boy for his powerful performance as insanely ambitious oil-man Daniel Plainview in Paul Thomas Anderson's masterful "There Will Be Blood." But come on -- everyone knew it was going to happen. As Tony Curtis said in "Sweet Smell of Success," "The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river." I'd add something about milkshakes but that's getting a little played out...
Best Jon Stewart Joke, Part 3: "Democrats have an historic race going. Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama. Normally when you see a black man or woman president, an asteroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty."
Diablo Disappoints: Diablo Cody, beloved hipster-ex-stripper-screenwriter-goddess, wins Best Original Screenplay for the indie hit "Juno," a movie soaked with quippy one-liners that either delighted or seriously exasperated audiences -- and all she can come up with is, "I especially want to thank my fellow nominees." Or, "This is for the writers!" Diablo! Honest to blog! Where was your arsenal of smarty-pants wisecracks and pop-culture Soupy Sales-isms? This is the Oscars, Home Skillet. This is your time on stage. As you wrote, this is "one doodle that can't be un-did." But hey, you pulled off the leopard dress, tats and your Louise Brooks bob. So at least you looked great. But... another thing. What was with your glum exit offstage? Was Harrison Ford taking you to Oscar detention?
Most Surprising Win: Wow! No Julie Christie for Sarah Polley's lovely, heartbreaking "Away From Her." We thought Christie was a shoe-in. But talented French hottie Marion Cotillard was the spoiler, picking up Best Actress for her performances as iconic French chanteuse Edith Piaf in "La Vie En Rose." I'm thinking all those mixed CDs Academy voters picked up at Starbucks (I'm only guessing these exist -- those International flavor collections) with that strange-voiced French lady actually compelled them to do a little Piaf research. Nevertheless, though we were rooting for Christie, it was tough not to be happy for Cotillard, who appeared definitely shocked and as she said, "speechless." She also looked wonderful in white. Jean Paul Gaultier does a gal good.
The Real Enchanting "Once" Upon a Time: Glen Hansard (he of the Irish band The Frames) and Czech musician Marketa Irglova performed their soulful, beautiful song "Falling Slowly" from their charming, touching, musical indie "Once." She on piano, he strumming a battered old guitar he's had since he was a teenage busker (street singer) in Ireland. It was gorgeous (though why did the camera choose to end on orchestra conductor Bill Conti? It was their moment, not his.) Next to all of those painfully corny "Enchanted" songs, some of which played like ads for Clorox Bleach (I could have sworn someone sang "Mama makes brights, bright like the sunshine ..."), the two channeled the late great Elliott Smith (remember him in his white suit, standing next to Celine Dion ... And losing?!). But the refreshingly independent Hansard and Irglova won! And we cheered when Hansard stated, "Make art! Make art!" Jon Stewart extended their moment by allowing Irglova, who was cut off by the over-anxious orchestra, to movingly extend her gratitude. What a moment.
The Dudes Abide: Though some of us were also rooting for Paul Thomas Anderson's "There Will Be Blood," Joel and Ethan Coen's brilliant "No Country For Old Men" was an entirely deserving winner for both Best Director (in their case Best Directors) and Best Picture. Their bloody, beautifully acted, poetic adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's novel was soulful, inventive, mysterious and truly horrifying. Though this is one of their best pictures, us Coen fans are also taking this as a win for "Blood Simple," "Miller's Crossing," "Barton Fink," "Raising Arizona," "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" and of course, "The Big Lebowski." And you know, had "No Country" lost, don't think we wouldn't see "Lebowski" vet Walter Sobchak storming on stage screaming: "Has the whole world gone crazy! Am I the only one here who gives a sh*t about the rules?" So with that, congratulations to the Coens.
Stewart gets edgy, Tilda gets funny, and everyone's got bedhead!
By Kim Morgan Special to MSN Movies
To think that just a couple of weeks ago, this whole Oscar shindig might have been cancelled...
But the three-month-long Writers Guild strike was settled in the nick of time, so the biggest movie awards show in the world -- the American equivalent of a coronation -- could go on, and stars could gather to honor ... other stars. As host Jon Stewart quipped: "Having the Oscars helped end the strike ... before we spend the next four to five hours giving each other golden statues, let's take a moment to congratulate ourselves."
The 80th Annual Academy Awards were not all just pats on the back, writer jokes and fantastic frocks (well, actually, there were a lot of fantastic frocks): Many of the nominated films, actors, writers and directors were (double gasp!) actually deserving, and two of the pictures -- "There Will Be Blood" and "No Country for Old Men" -- are bona-fide masterpieces. If there was any kind of theme this year, it was Oscar getting it almost right -- nominating interesting films and artists from all over the world (England, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain and Austria were all represented). And of the contenders, there was new talent (Ellen Page for "Juno"), older icons (Hal Holbrook for "Into the Wild") and, for heaven's sake, Viggo Mortensen (perhaps one of the coolest men walking the earth) for "Eastern Promises."
Still, maybe it was all this good taste and worthiness that made the show a little ... staid. Don't get me wrong, there were some surprises and spirited highlights, like Stewart's opening monologue, some heartfelt acceptance speeches and one (or should I say "Once"?) musical performance. And there were also some lowlights, like Academy President Sid Ganis' attempts at humor, the uninspired video pieces and three musical performances from "Enchanted."
So we're here to hand out awards for the best, worst and weirdest of the ceremony. The envelope, please:
Most Moving Acceptance Speech: How does he do it? Picking up his Best Supporting Actor award for playing psychopath Anton Chigurh in "No Country For Old Men," Javier Bardem managed to be likable, studly, humble, casual and touching all at once. Ambling on stage with his mussed-up hair and mischievous smile, he said, "I have to speak fast here, man" and then pointed out everything from how amazing the award was to his curious Dutch-boy haircut from the movie. But when he honored his "Mama" (entirely in Spanish) with nary a trace of sappiness, the charming Spaniard caught us off guard. We were positively teary-eyed. And then he all but strutted off-stage. Hmmm... maybe it's not Viggo but Javier who's the coolest man walking the face of the earth.
Best Jon Stewart Joke, Part 1: "Tonight we look beyond the dark days and focus on happier fare. This year's slate of Oscar-nominated psychopathic killer movies. Does this town need a hug? What happened? 'No Country For Old Men,' 'Sweeney Todd,' 'There Will Be Blood.' All I can say is thank God for teen pregnancy."
Funniest Acceptance Speech: Tilda Swinton. She is known for her edgy, serious work in heavy films like "Orlando" and "The Deep End" and as the famed ice queen from "The Chronicles of Narnia" so who knew she was so damn funny? When accepting her Best Supporting Actress win for "Michael Clayton," the red-haired Brit hilariously capped her speech by mercilessly teasing co-star George Clooney: "George Clooney... you know. The seriousness and dedication to your art, seeing you climb into that rubber bat suit from "Batman and Robin," the one with nipples, every morning, under your costume, on the set, off the set, hanging upside at lunch. You rock, man. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Ever the class act, Clooney took it like, well, like George Clooney -- a man.
Am I Crazy Or... Was seeing acclaimed filmmaker Spike Lee and his "Jungle Fever" star, recent tax evader Wesley Snipes, sitting together as essentially dates kind of heartwarming? And they looked fantastic. Maybe they'll make another movie together? I'm sure Snipes would be happy. The IRS is another story...
Edgiest Jon Stewart Joke: "Julie Christie was absolutely amazing in 'Away From Her.' Brilliant movie. It was a moving story of a woman who forgets her own husband. Hillary Clinton called it the 'feel good movie of the year.' "
Buzz Off: Can Jerry Seinfeld please stop promoting that damn bee movie? We saw you on Oprah. We saw you on Letterman. We saw you on Larry King. We get it. You made freaking "Bee Movie." And yes, we know it will be available on DVD this March. And showing the montage of great stinging film moments didn't make us want to rush out and buy (ugh!) "Bee Movie." Seriously, we'd so rather watch that hilarious Bill Murray bee sequence from "Rushmore" over Jerry's entire animated classic.
Bad in Black: One would think black is basic -- that it flatters all who wear it. But the usually perky and lovely Jennifer Garner appeared downright dour in her dark frock, looking both unhappy and uncomfortable in such a gothic get-up. Helena Bonham Carter (where was she, anyway?) she is not.
Ladies in Red: Perhaps in the spirit of all the violent movies nominated this year, many actresses opted for bold red dresses. Helen Mirren, Anne Hathaway, a stunning Katherine Heigl channeling Marilyn Monroe, Heidi Klum and, uh, Miley Cirus all went primary. Wait, what the hell was Miley Cirus doing there?
Am I Crazy Or... Is Amy Adams becoming really irritating? I don't dislike the lovable star, but her appearance this year left me with conflicted emotions. As she performed "Happy Working Song," one of the three nominated songs for her film "Enchanted," I was both embarrassed and overwhelmingly annoyed by her Betty Boop/Snow White impersonation. Did she even want to perform this? And to make matters worse, little Miss Adams continued her cutesy, goody-goody act while presenting the award for Best Original Score. Typecast much? I hate to say this, but she needs to play a hooker/heroin addict/convicted murderer stat. That cuteness is starting to curdle.
Best Jon Stewart Joke, Part 2: "There is a great variety in the nominated films this year. Even 'Norbit,' got a nomination, which I think is great. Too often the Academy ignores movies that aren't good."
Technically Speaking: Why do Scientific and Technical Achievement Awards always have to be handed out by Hollywood's latest babe-du-jour? I know, I know. I'm sure all those guys slaving over their computers and gadgets and inventions more than enjoy the presence of sexy Jessica Alba (who looks terrific pregnant, by the way), but why not something new next year? How about Philip Seymour Hoffman presenting the award -- preferably as his Ned Beatty/Wilford Brimley-esque character of "Charlie Wilson's War."
Am I Crazy Or... Did the more hysterical of the two winning directors of Best Documentary Short Subject ("Freeheld," which I'm sure is a fine short film) provide the most unintentionally hilarious line of the evening: "It was Lt. Laurel Hester's dying wish that her fight against discrimination would make a difference for all same sex couples that face discrimination every day. Discrimination that I don't face as a married woman." The sentiment was nice, but why did she sound like Sally Struthers?
Ruffled Razz-Ma-Tazz: Aside from an incredibly dapper George Clooney, who looked a cross between Cary Grant and Clark Gable with his slicked-back hair and perfect tux, this year's male attire was decidedly relaxed though strikingly attractive. Most everyone appeared a little unkempt (mussed hair, unshaven face, less-traditional tuxes) and yet not at all slobby. They were in fact elegant and eclectic. Viggo Mortensen looked extraordinary rocking a Vincent Van Gogh beard and knee-length dinner jacket. Daniel Day-Lewis' longer hair and more retro tux was fetching. And Javier Bardem, Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill and Harrison Ford all appeared with a little bed-head ... which was actually very sexy. I'm not even going to start with Johnny Depp.
Least Surprising, Most Deserving Win: I think he's a genius (sorry to all of you out there who think him a ham), so I was ecstatic when the entirely deserving Daniel Day-Lewis picked up his golden boy for his powerful performance as insanely ambitious oil-man Daniel Plainview in Paul Thomas Anderson's masterful "There Will Be Blood." But come on -- everyone knew it was going to happen. As Tony Curtis said in "Sweet Smell of Success," "The cat's in the bag and the bag's in the river." I'd add something about milkshakes but that's getting a little played out...
Best Jon Stewart Joke, Part 3: "Democrats have an historic race going. Hillary Clinton vs. Barack Obama. Normally when you see a black man or woman president, an asteroid is about to hit the Statue of Liberty."
Diablo Disappoints: Diablo Cody, beloved hipster-ex-stripper-screenwriter-goddess, wins Best Original Screenplay for the indie hit "Juno," a movie soaked with quippy one-liners that either delighted or seriously exasperated audiences -- and all she can come up with is, "I especially want to thank my fellow nominees." Or, "This is for the writers!" Diablo! Honest to blog! Where was your arsenal of smarty-pants wisecracks and pop-culture Soupy Sales-isms? This is the Oscars, Home Skillet. This is your time on stage. As you wrote, this is "one doodle that can't be un-did." But hey, you pulled off the leopard dress, tats and your Louise Brooks bob. So at least you looked great. But... another thing. What was with your glum exit offstage? Was Harrison Ford taking you to Oscar detention?
Most Surprising Win: Wow! No Julie Christie for Sarah Polley's lovely, heartbreaking "Away From Her." We thought Christie was a shoe-in. But talented French hottie Marion Cotillard was the spoiler, picking up Best Actress for her performances as iconic French chanteuse Edith Piaf in "La Vie En Rose." I'm thinking all those mixed CDs Academy voters picked up at Starbucks (I'm only guessing these exist -- those International flavor collections) with that strange-voiced French lady actually compelled them to do a little Piaf research. Nevertheless, though we were rooting for Christie, it was tough not to be happy for Cotillard, who appeared definitely shocked and as she said, "speechless." She also looked wonderful in white. Jean Paul Gaultier does a gal good.
The Real Enchanting "Once" Upon a Time: Glen Hansard (he of the Irish band The Frames) and Czech musician Marketa Irglova performed their soulful, beautiful song "Falling Slowly" from their charming, touching, musical indie "Once." She on piano, he strumming a battered old guitar he's had since he was a teenage busker (street singer) in Ireland. It was gorgeous (though why did the camera choose to end on orchestra conductor Bill Conti? It was their moment, not his.) Next to all of those painfully corny "Enchanted" songs, some of which played like ads for Clorox Bleach (I could have sworn someone sang "Mama makes brights, bright like the sunshine ..."), the two channeled the late great Elliott Smith (remember him in his white suit, standing next to Celine Dion ... And losing?!). But the refreshingly independent Hansard and Irglova won! And we cheered when Hansard stated, "Make art! Make art!" Jon Stewart extended their moment by allowing Irglova, who was cut off by the over-anxious orchestra, to movingly extend her gratitude. What a moment.
The Dudes Abide: Though some of us were also rooting for Paul Thomas Anderson's "There Will Be Blood," Joel and Ethan Coen's brilliant "No Country For Old Men" was an entirely deserving winner for both Best Director (in their case Best Directors) and Best Picture. Their bloody, beautifully acted, poetic adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's novel was soulful, inventive, mysterious and truly horrifying. Though this is one of their best pictures, us Coen fans are also taking this as a win for "Blood Simple," "Miller's Crossing," "Barton Fink," "Raising Arizona," "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" and of course, "The Big Lebowski." And you know, had "No Country" lost, don't think we wouldn't see "Lebowski" vet Walter Sobchak storming on stage screaming: "Has the whole world gone crazy! Am I the only one here who gives a sh*t about the rules?" So with that, congratulations to the Coens.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Academy Awards Part 2 - Pre Show
OH MY GOD - I feel so sorry for Lisa Rinna. She's doing the Red Carpet pre-show interviews for TV Guide channel, and she's absolutely bombing! She's forgotten almost everyone's movies and all of their stats - and what she IS saying is completely wrong. More than once she's justs stood there silent staring at the star cause she didn't know what to say. Where are her writers? Don't they know the strike is over??
Academy Awards
Today's the day... it's finally here... the day I wait for all year... the Oscars! I love
Hollywood and the movies so much - I LOVE the Academy Awards.
I'm all set. It's 5pm, I'm sitting here with the house to myself, my big tv tuned to the pre-shows and red carpet countdown, my telephone handy to call my mother, and my best friend on the compt just to dish about who's wearing who and which movies won.
Hollywood and the movies so much - I LOVE the Academy Awards.
I'm all set. It's 5pm, I'm sitting here with the house to myself, my big tv tuned to the pre-shows and red carpet countdown, my telephone handy to call my mother, and my best friend on the compt just to dish about who's wearing who and which movies won.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Pei Wei Tea

Well I just had a good pick me up! The manager at Pei Wei comped me an iced tea. I was jonesing for their chai tea, so I stopped in for just an iced tea to go -- and the manager gave it to me on the house! Yay!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
VDAY - Vagina Monologues in New Orleans 4/11 - 4/12
The Vagina Monologues are 10 years old, and to celebrate 10 years of ending violence against women, they're having a special event in New Orleans:
On Saturday evening, April 12, 2008, V-Day will stage a once in a lifetime event - V TO THE TENTH - featuring international performances of The Vagina Monologues, musical guests, V-Day activists from across the globe including Kenya, Afghanistan, Iraq, The Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eastern Europe , men standing up for women and much more.
Salma Hayek, Oprah Winfrey, Faith Hill, Jane Fonda, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Hudson, Glenn Close, Julia Stiles, Ali Larter, Sally Field, Marisa Tomei, Calpernia Addams, Rosario Dawson, Kerry Washington, and musicians Common, Eve, and Charmaine Neville have already signed on. The evening will open minds and hearts and raise much needed attention and funds for groups working to end violence against women and girls around the world, and in New Orleans and the Gulf South.
I wanna go! Anyone want to join me?
On Saturday evening, April 12, 2008, V-Day will stage a once in a lifetime event - V TO THE TENTH - featuring international performances of The Vagina Monologues, musical guests, V-Day activists from across the globe including Kenya, Afghanistan, Iraq, The Philippines, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eastern Europe , men standing up for women and much more.
Salma Hayek, Oprah Winfrey, Faith Hill, Jane Fonda, Jessica Alba, Jennifer Hudson, Glenn Close, Julia Stiles, Ali Larter, Sally Field, Marisa Tomei, Calpernia Addams, Rosario Dawson, Kerry Washington, and musicians Common, Eve, and Charmaine Neville have already signed on. The evening will open minds and hearts and raise much needed attention and funds for groups working to end violence against women and girls around the world, and in New Orleans and the Gulf South.
I wanna go! Anyone want to join me?
Irresponsible Drivers
I have to vent a bit about 2 different cars/drivers I saw while out at lunch today:
1) As I parked my car at Half Price Books, I noticed the car parked next to me had 3 or 4 dogs inside. I totally freak out when people leave animals in cars during hot months, but granted the temps weren't TOO bad today and they could handle it. But I was in Half Price Books for an hour and when I came out, the dogs were still there! I really felt sorry for them - all crammed in a little compact car. I don't know how long they were actually stuck there.
2) Now while that's not nice, it's not illegal or anything... but then... I was waiting at a red light heading back to the office, my windows down since Bessie's a/c is broken, and I hear a toddler babbling. The windows are down on the minivan to my right, so I can see straight in and clearly overhear them. I look over and there was a 2 year old little girl sitting in her mama's lap in the front seat - of course neither with seat belts. OH MY GOD! I mean c'mon people!! Set aside the fact that it's totally illegal to do that, don't you realize how dangerous that is?! We were on 1960, a pretty busy road - PLUS it's raining. That baby could have flown into the windshield or (God forbid) out the window -- not to mention the airbag could kill her. I wonder if there's a hotline or something to report things like that. I'm normally not one for being Big Brother's snitch, but some things should be reported.
1) As I parked my car at Half Price Books, I noticed the car parked next to me had 3 or 4 dogs inside. I totally freak out when people leave animals in cars during hot months, but granted the temps weren't TOO bad today and they could handle it. But I was in Half Price Books for an hour and when I came out, the dogs were still there! I really felt sorry for them - all crammed in a little compact car. I don't know how long they were actually stuck there.
2) Now while that's not nice, it's not illegal or anything... but then... I was waiting at a red light heading back to the office, my windows down since Bessie's a/c is broken, and I hear a toddler babbling. The windows are down on the minivan to my right, so I can see straight in and clearly overhear them. I look over and there was a 2 year old little girl sitting in her mama's lap in the front seat - of course neither with seat belts. OH MY GOD! I mean c'mon people!! Set aside the fact that it's totally illegal to do that, don't you realize how dangerous that is?! We were on 1960, a pretty busy road - PLUS it's raining. That baby could have flown into the windshield or (God forbid) out the window -- not to mention the airbag could kill her. I wonder if there's a hotline or something to report things like that. I'm normally not one for being Big Brother's snitch, but some things should be reported.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bessie's Sick
Uh-oh... Bessie, my beloved car, isn't doing well. The air conditioner compressor wouldn't kick on just now. I almost went into panic mode. That's always been the kiss of death for my cars in the past. This is the first really nice car - brand new car - I've had. Always before if the a/c went out, it would have cost more than the car was worth to have it fixed. I immediately thought, crap - the last thing I want right now is another car payment. I love having this car paid for. But - we're at the level now that I don't have to give up on Bessie, I can have the a/c fixed. I can invest a few hundred or a thousand (gulp!) into my car if that means it will continue to run well for another year or so. I can't complain either. My car's a 2000 Chevy Malibu LS - I bought it brand new in May 2000 (7 miles on the odometer!) - and from what I can think of, this is the first major incident we've had with it. 8 years with no major breakdowns? That's great! Isn't it??
Be Careful What You Write
Whenever writing a post, I always keep in mind that either 1) my mother or 2) my boss could be reading it, and so I'm careful what I say in those respects. Never say anything to embarass or get you disowned -- and never say anything that could get you fired. But last night hubby was kind enough to remind me that I should always write with the expectation that ANYONE could be reading and to always be careful what I say. Oops! I tend to forget about that. I know of my small circle of friends and family who follow my ramblings, but I forget that by posting this on the web, I'm opening myself and my thoughts to people everywhere. I always wonder (and have asked several times) if I'm boring you with my ramblings - most of the time I wonder why would anyone even care about the crap I write - but you've said no, you like checking in with your friend and her life. So I'll keep it up. I'll just watch what I say a bit more from now on...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Since I'm in a princess mood today, I want to get on my little princess soap box for a minute. I can't stand getting flower deliveries from Pro They arrive in a box, with a plastic vase, and you have to arrange them yourself. Uh-huh, no way. Hubby sent me flowers from there once. To top it all off that once, the flowers themselves were old & wilted. He confessed how much he spent for them, and I called Pro Flowers with a screaming hissy fit that we did NOT get our money's worth. I know - I can be such a bitch sometimes. In hubby's defense, he was new at the whole married guy thing and didn't know to order flowers from a local florist. I explained to him that they're just as cheap and it's a lot easier most times. I'm sorry, but if someone is going to pay $75 on flowers for me, I damn well want them in a glass vase and I DON'T want to arrange them myself. I mean c'mon people! That's why florists only hire trained floral arrangers - they know how to do it, I don't! Plus - part of the fun of getting flowers is the look on all of your coworkers' faces when this big beautiful flower arrangement is delivered with your name on it. Everyone notices. The same arrangement can arrive in a box and no one will give it a second glance.
So... guys... remember... Yes for floral arrangements... no for flowers in a box... (unless that's what she wants...)
So... guys... remember... Yes for floral arrangements... no for flowers in a box... (unless that's what she wants...)
I am SO excited I can barely sit still!! I am SO HAPPY!! My female readers may understand my excitement - guys, I'm sorry, I don't know if there's anything in your world that equates to this...
I finally got fed up with my bra not fitting correctly & being uncomfortable, so I went to get a new one at lunch. Now, being the princess that I am, I don't just go to a department or discount store and shop off the racks for a bra. I discovered specialty lingerie shops about 11 years ago. I'm digressing, but actually my ob/gyn suggested I go to one. I used to have serious breast pain, and he said that a properly fitting bra would make all the difference in the world - and boy was he right! My first experience shopping in a lingerie shop was a little frightening. I was 22 at the time and still a bit modest. The sales lady greeted me, and escorted me straight through the store to the dressing room where she told me to strip. Umm what?? She wanted me topless so she could judge my size. Umm... I don't think so, I don't even undress in front of my mother anymore. She then looked me straight in the eye and said "Honey, this is what I do for a living. There isn't a boobie or a booty in this city I haven't seen, now STRIP". YES MAMM!! Oh yikes! I don't think I'll ever forget that! But it was absolutely amazing. The woman didn't even take a measuring tape to me, she just looked at me and guessed my perfect size -- stepped away & came back with 3 bras for me to choose from -- and all three fit perfectly. She even showed me the proper way to put on a bra (who knew!).
So... I've been shopping at my current store, The Bra Specialist on 1960, for about 5 years now, and I've only worn two different styles of bra for 5 years. My first trip to the store, Erlinda walked into the dressing room with IT - the bra of my dreams. It's not the fanciest looking bra in the world, but MY GOD it fits wonderfully. It's just a plain stretchy satin type material with wide straps - no frills. But I swear, the instant I slipped it on, I was in love. It fit me like a second skin. It held me up and in, in the correct places without pinching or rolling or poking anywhere. HALLELUJAH!! It's the bra from heaven!! I took the tags off, threw my old bra away, and wore it out the door - after buying 1 in every color of course! And for the next 4 years or so, that was my bra. As soon as one would wear out, I'd buy a replacement. Until last summer... when the unspeakable happened... My bras were getting too tight so I went to get a larger size --- and found out that they don't make anything larger than that current size and I would have to change bras. WHAT?!?! NO!! This can NOT be happening!! NOT MY BRA!! Anything but that!! But yes, it was true... I'd gotten so fat, I couldn't wear my bra from heaven anymore. So, I bought a different style. I have to give Erlinda credit, the new bra was very pretty and it did fit very well, but it wasn't THE bra. My bra from heaven.
But! This story has a wonderful happy ending... I've lost 30 pounds so far since my surgery, and my bras have been getting loose and uncomfortable lately. I'd finally had it and went to see Erlinda for a new one. She was just leaving for lunch when I got there - oh no! She's the only one who's ever helped me - she knows what I like! Never fear, Angela can help me too... I was a little hesitant, but ok... so she ushers me to the dressing room and I explain how I've lost 30 lbs and my current bra is too loose. She asked if I wanted to stay with my current style - I said no, I didn't really care. Making small talk she mentioned that my current bra was her favorite style. I told her that while I liked that one, there's another I just adore. And unfortunately I'm now too large for it. She leaves and when she comes back with a bra for me to try on... you're reading ahead & know already don't you... yep! it's THE bra. MY bra - My wonderful favorite comfortable bra. (am I a bit too attached to this?? I don't know...) I said THAT'S IT! That's my favorite bra!! "But I don't understand, do they make larger sizes now?" No - I've just lost enough weight that I fit back into them again. WOOHOO!! At this point I am nearly jumping up & down with joy. I get the bra on and it fits - IT FITS! To be completely honest about it, it's a tad tiny bit tight, but I don't care. I'm not complaining - it'll stretch or I'll shrink a bit. I told her to take the tag off please, I'm wearing it out!
I left that place walking on cloud 9 - I'm really starting to see results with my weight loss. My pants are VERY loose and my bra was too big. Woohoo!!
Oh and P.S. I bought one in every color they make... of course!
I finally got fed up with my bra not fitting correctly & being uncomfortable, so I went to get a new one at lunch. Now, being the princess that I am, I don't just go to a department or discount store and shop off the racks for a bra. I discovered specialty lingerie shops about 11 years ago. I'm digressing, but actually my ob/gyn suggested I go to one. I used to have serious breast pain, and he said that a properly fitting bra would make all the difference in the world - and boy was he right! My first experience shopping in a lingerie shop was a little frightening. I was 22 at the time and still a bit modest. The sales lady greeted me, and escorted me straight through the store to the dressing room where she told me to strip. Umm what?? She wanted me topless so she could judge my size. Umm... I don't think so, I don't even undress in front of my mother anymore. She then looked me straight in the eye and said "Honey, this is what I do for a living. There isn't a boobie or a booty in this city I haven't seen, now STRIP". YES MAMM!! Oh yikes! I don't think I'll ever forget that! But it was absolutely amazing. The woman didn't even take a measuring tape to me, she just looked at me and guessed my perfect size -- stepped away & came back with 3 bras for me to choose from -- and all three fit perfectly. She even showed me the proper way to put on a bra (who knew!).
So... I've been shopping at my current store, The Bra Specialist on 1960, for about 5 years now, and I've only worn two different styles of bra for 5 years. My first trip to the store, Erlinda walked into the dressing room with IT - the bra of my dreams. It's not the fanciest looking bra in the world, but MY GOD it fits wonderfully. It's just a plain stretchy satin type material with wide straps - no frills. But I swear, the instant I slipped it on, I was in love. It fit me like a second skin. It held me up and in, in the correct places without pinching or rolling or poking anywhere. HALLELUJAH!! It's the bra from heaven!! I took the tags off, threw my old bra away, and wore it out the door - after buying 1 in every color of course! And for the next 4 years or so, that was my bra. As soon as one would wear out, I'd buy a replacement. Until last summer... when the unspeakable happened... My bras were getting too tight so I went to get a larger size --- and found out that they don't make anything larger than that current size and I would have to change bras. WHAT?!?! NO!! This can NOT be happening!! NOT MY BRA!! Anything but that!! But yes, it was true... I'd gotten so fat, I couldn't wear my bra from heaven anymore. So, I bought a different style. I have to give Erlinda credit, the new bra was very pretty and it did fit very well, but it wasn't THE bra. My bra from heaven.
But! This story has a wonderful happy ending... I've lost 30 pounds so far since my surgery, and my bras have been getting loose and uncomfortable lately. I'd finally had it and went to see Erlinda for a new one. She was just leaving for lunch when I got there - oh no! She's the only one who's ever helped me - she knows what I like! Never fear, Angela can help me too... I was a little hesitant, but ok... so she ushers me to the dressing room and I explain how I've lost 30 lbs and my current bra is too loose. She asked if I wanted to stay with my current style - I said no, I didn't really care. Making small talk she mentioned that my current bra was her favorite style. I told her that while I liked that one, there's another I just adore. And unfortunately I'm now too large for it. She leaves and when she comes back with a bra for me to try on... you're reading ahead & know already don't you... yep! it's THE bra. MY bra - My wonderful favorite comfortable bra. (am I a bit too attached to this?? I don't know...) I said THAT'S IT! That's my favorite bra!! "But I don't understand, do they make larger sizes now?" No - I've just lost enough weight that I fit back into them again. WOOHOO!! At this point I am nearly jumping up & down with joy. I get the bra on and it fits - IT FITS! To be completely honest about it, it's a tad tiny bit tight, but I don't care. I'm not complaining - it'll stretch or I'll shrink a bit. I told her to take the tag off please, I'm wearing it out!
I left that place walking on cloud 9 - I'm really starting to see results with my weight loss. My pants are VERY loose and my bra was too big. Woohoo!!
Oh and P.S. I bought one in every color they make... of course!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Old Bad Habits
Dance with the Devil, the Devil doesn't change... the Devil changes you...
That's the quote I think of when I think of myself and how I led my life from December 2005 to August 2007... Almost 2 years of losing my sanity... and almost my family...
It blows me away how easy it is to fall back in to old habits - you don't even think about it, but there you are...
An old friend contacted me last week... We hadn't spoken in 6 months... but the instant we spoke online, I was instantly back into the routine. My old habits of lies, half-truths, etc (to my family & friends) came back immediately. I wasn't even aware of it until later. I had no reason to hide things or twist the truth, but I did just because I could.
Even though others disagree - I still don't think my old friends are bad people, that they set out to be that way deliberately. But just for some reason, when I'm with either one, I don't think before I act. The little signal that everyone has in her brain, the one that tells you something is a bad idea, your little Jiminy Cricket I guess - doesn't kick in for me. I don't look before I leap per se - and I've ended up in a few places and situations I should not have been.
Last week, I had to tell my friend goodbye - again. This time permanently. It really was just so easy to pick back up where I'd left off. The only way I can describe it is an alcoholic falling off the wagon. You have to stay away from the temptation all together, and that means I have to cut all contact with my old friends. I am not going back there again. I was able to fix things before I crossed the point of no return last time, and I'm not going near it again.
I do miss my friends - terribly sometimes. But I don't miss the heartache, headaches, and drama that seemed to be constant when I was around them. Sometimes it's best to just close the book on one chapter in your life & move on to the next. This is one of those times. If they read this, I hope they know that I wish them both the best in whatever the future holds, and I'll never forget them.
That's the quote I think of when I think of myself and how I led my life from December 2005 to August 2007... Almost 2 years of losing my sanity... and almost my family...
It blows me away how easy it is to fall back in to old habits - you don't even think about it, but there you are...
An old friend contacted me last week... We hadn't spoken in 6 months... but the instant we spoke online, I was instantly back into the routine. My old habits of lies, half-truths, etc (to my family & friends) came back immediately. I wasn't even aware of it until later. I had no reason to hide things or twist the truth, but I did just because I could.
Even though others disagree - I still don't think my old friends are bad people, that they set out to be that way deliberately. But just for some reason, when I'm with either one, I don't think before I act. The little signal that everyone has in her brain, the one that tells you something is a bad idea, your little Jiminy Cricket I guess - doesn't kick in for me. I don't look before I leap per se - and I've ended up in a few places and situations I should not have been.
Last week, I had to tell my friend goodbye - again. This time permanently. It really was just so easy to pick back up where I'd left off. The only way I can describe it is an alcoholic falling off the wagon. You have to stay away from the temptation all together, and that means I have to cut all contact with my old friends. I am not going back there again. I was able to fix things before I crossed the point of no return last time, and I'm not going near it again.
I do miss my friends - terribly sometimes. But I don't miss the heartache, headaches, and drama that seemed to be constant when I was around them. Sometimes it's best to just close the book on one chapter in your life & move on to the next. This is one of those times. If they read this, I hope they know that I wish them both the best in whatever the future holds, and I'll never forget them.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Wonderful Lighting
Don't you love the deep thoughts you get when you're awake in the middle of the night? I love the lighting in my downstairs bathroom. It always makes me look pretty. I can be having the worst "I feel fat & ugly" bad hair day, and I'll still look good in my downstairs bathroom mirror. It's a combination of the light fixture, the window behind me, and the shadows created by the room. It doesnt matter if I'm all done up for a night out, in no-nonsense wear for work, grunged out - dressed for house cleaning, or in my nightshirt with bedhead at 3am. I think I always look pretty when looking at my reflection in there.
I think everyone needs a magic mirror like that to uplift their moods now & then...
I think everyone needs a magic mirror like that to uplift their moods now & then...
Friday, February 8, 2008
I want a Smart Car!

I want one! Aren't they just the cutest things? I mean, I'd never have it as my ONLY means of transportation. It's way too small to be a family wagon, but it's perfect for the drive to work! Plus its very "green".
A SMART CAR! I can totally see myself cruising around town in it!
Okay, I admit it... I'm a moron... Locked my keys in my car...
So I have to tell on myself again... I locked my keys in my car last night... I was rushing out the door this morning, trying not to be late for my doctor's appt, but I couldn't find my keys ANYWHERE. Ugh, I looked all over the place! Luckily my husband was still home today (he took the boy to school since I had the doc's appt), so I snatched up his keys and ran outside. Yep - just as I feared, there were my keys hanging from the ignition in my locked car. I haven't done that in over 6 years! But thinking back - last night I was trying to get myself, my purse, my books, my son, his backpack, his lunchbox, his water bottle, a kalidescope, a Happy Meal toy, a large pepperoni pizza, a medium Dr. Pepper, and my keys out of the car... No wonder the keys were left behind!
Thanks from the Tooth Fairy!
My son lost his first tooth last night. Yay! He's so excited! It's just in time too for school picture day today. Unfortunately it's a bottom front tooth, and I don't think you'll be able to see it like you would've if it had been a top tooth - but I'm not going to spoil his fun by saying that!
THANK YOU SO MUCH - to whomever left the comment about putting the teeth in envelopes. That was a great idea! I'd forgotten how tiny the teeth are! We folded the tooth in a tissue and sealed it in an envelope with his name and the date on the front. Perfect! It made it so easy for the Tooth Fairy to sneak in later & slide the envelope out from under the pillow.
P.S. for anyone's future reference, always keep at least one $1 bill around if your child has a loose tooth. Otherwise the Tooth Fairy could be stuck leaving a $5 bill under the pillow because it's all she had! Mama & Daddy had to explain that since this was his first tooth and a special occasion, the Tooth Fairy left more than she normally would...
Oh - and P.P.S. He'd secretly been wishing she'd leave a Star Wars light saber instead of cash... I told him, no way - ain't gonna happen. She's cash only!
THANK YOU SO MUCH - to whomever left the comment about putting the teeth in envelopes. That was a great idea! I'd forgotten how tiny the teeth are! We folded the tooth in a tissue and sealed it in an envelope with his name and the date on the front. Perfect! It made it so easy for the Tooth Fairy to sneak in later & slide the envelope out from under the pillow.
P.S. for anyone's future reference, always keep at least one $1 bill around if your child has a loose tooth. Otherwise the Tooth Fairy could be stuck leaving a $5 bill under the pillow because it's all she had! Mama & Daddy had to explain that since this was his first tooth and a special occasion, the Tooth Fairy left more than she normally would...
Oh - and P.P.S. He'd secretly been wishing she'd leave a Star Wars light saber instead of cash... I told him, no way - ain't gonna happen. She's cash only!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Redneck Neighbors part three...
They are still hauling in furniture and decor... the space is not that big, where are they going to put everything?! They're also - get this - painting metal file cabinets with a faux finish to look like wood - geez... the fumes are making me high... oohhhh bad headache...
I saw one of the head honchos again this morning. He pulled up in his huge Ram truck - bright red. As he does everyday, he was wearing a black cowboy hat (I've never seen him without it), starched Wranglers, starched brushpopper shirt, boots, and his big ol' country boy belt buckle - oh and he has a big bush dark mustache. I swear, he looks like a bad guy on Road House... or a George Strait look alike...
I saw one of the head honchos again this morning. He pulled up in his huge Ram truck - bright red. As he does everyday, he was wearing a black cowboy hat (I've never seen him without it), starched Wranglers, starched brushpopper shirt, boots, and his big ol' country boy belt buckle - oh and he has a big bush dark mustache. I swear, he looks like a bad guy on Road House... or a George Strait look alike...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Redneck Good Ole Boy Neighbors - Part 2
So the new office neighbors are moving their furniture in now. Wow! They have tacky tastes! My coworkers got the nerve to peek into their office this morning - the walls are a peachy terracotta color. Apparently, they're horrific! I haven't had the opportunity to directly snoop, but I've seen every piece of furniture and decor as they're wheeling it all past my glass doors. Wow - T A C K Y!! It's so over the top Texan and Western. My coworker described it as Mae West meets Willie Nelson - now THAT'll put a frightening picture in your head! It's every Texas cliche' and stereotype in the books. Ever watch Will & Grace? There's one episode where Grace decorates Will's Texan boss's office/apt and it's beyond gaudy with all of the Texas crap all over everywhere? Well that's what they've been wheeling past me for the past week. Ack! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!
Axis Camo Electric Razor

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Tooth on the Loose
WARNING - Tooth Fairy Spoiler ahead!!
So I was talking to a friend of mine about why I bought the sterling silver pill box in the first place...
I want something nice to keep my son's baby teeth in after the tooth fairy collects them. My son just got his first loose tooth, and we're so excited! So I got to thinking, where do I keep his teeth? It was never a debate I think of whether to keep them or not, just where to keep them. My mother has a tiny trinket box in her old jewelry box with a few of my teeth - and the poodle's teeth. (ok, that explains SO MUCH about my present mental state I think...) So my friend replied "You keep those?!" Honestly, up to that point I thought everyone kept their children's teeth, but apparently not. Every baby store it seems has keepsake boxes for "Baby's First Tooth and Baby's First Haircut", so of course we keep the teeth. And so - here comes the idea for the sterling pill box. It's small enough to fit in my jewelry box, and nice enough to be a keepsake to keep his teeth in forever....
P.S. here's the bigger pill-box. It's plain jane, but it's perfectly sized:

4 more pounds!
I went to the doc this morning for one of my quarterly check ups - this one for my thyroid and high blood pressure. Everything's fine btw - labs came back normal...
but I LOVE his weight scale - it showed me as 4 lbs lighter than my scale at home this morning. It showed me as 221 - that's 29 pounds down, yay me!
My next adjustment is scheduled for this Friday. I need to get back on track with the diet & exercise program - hopefully that will help (well with the diet anyway). I may be 29 pounds down, but I still have plenty to go before bathing suit season
but I LOVE his weight scale - it showed me as 4 lbs lighter than my scale at home this morning. It showed me as 221 - that's 29 pounds down, yay me!
My next adjustment is scheduled for this Friday. I need to get back on track with the diet & exercise program - hopefully that will help (well with the diet anyway). I may be 29 pounds down, but I still have plenty to go before bathing suit season
Monday, February 4, 2008
Always Read The Fine Print

I hate it when I make stupid mistakes... especially if they end up costing me money... I ordered a sterling silver pill box from a shop online last week. Well dummy me didn't look at the fine print of the listing that said the one I picked out was TINY and could only hold about 2 aspirin. (No wonder it was the cheapest one listed) I was all excited when the package arrived this morning, but then couldn't believe it when I finally got the box opened... it's the smallest thing I've ever seen! I measured it, it's the size of a quarter. What on earth could you use that for? I mean c'mon, pill boxes themselves are tiny enough as it is but what is a quarter size box for? Ugh... now I have to return it for a larger one, pay for shipping, wait for the new one... blah blah blah... dammit...
I can't believe I'm actually saying this... I've lost interest in Nip/Tuck. What's happening to me?! I have been a devoted Nip/Tuck fan since day 1 and have seen every single episode in all 5 seasons... until now. I don't know, this current season just doesn't appeal to me. I personally think it "jumped the shark" when they moved everyone to Los Angeles. That's when they started to lose me. Hubby's never liked it. He's always said how can he watch a show where he hates every single character? There are no good guys, every single adult character is a complete and total asshole. (my words, not his) Yikes - I think I'm starting to see his point. I have the last 4 new episodes recorded, but I really have no desire to watch them. I hate to say this, but I think they've lost me. I just can't take it anymore. I can't stand the stupidity of watching everyone screw everyone else and then screw them over too. Yep... Fonzie's jumped the shark... game over for me...
Scary Redneck Office Neighbors
We have new neighbors moving into the suite next to ours. We've been the only tenants here on the 4th floor of our office building since we moved in 5 years ago - but not any longer! Rumor has it that the newbies are a couple of attorneys. I don't know about that, but I do know they are hard core redneck good ole boys. I'm not talking about the sweet, country bubba-type rednecks, I'm talking the skoal chewing, cowboy dressing, jacked up truck driving, bimbo dating, racist, phobic, hard-core klan partying rednecks. Now looks can be deceiving and never judge a book by its cover and all that, so I really shouldn't judge... but I will... and going by how they look and walk and talk as they pass my glass office doors they're some big time asshole good ole boys. Great...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Big Dream Bed
I just bought a new bed and I swear it's the biggest & most comfortable bed in existance...
A few weeks ago, my husband & I decided that it was time to get a new mattress & box springs. AND even though we were still really attached to our black iron bed - being a queen frame, we finally admitted that it was just too small & we needed to finally upgrade to a king bed. Man, I hate that! I LOVE our queen iron bed. We've had it forever and it's solid, so it'll last for decades to come. It's also a fun story to explain where we bought it. We bought it from a guy on the side of the road at the Westheimer Art/Street Festival when we were dating back in 1995. This guy told us that he had a shop in Mexico - he'd find patterns etc in the higher end furniture catalogs and take the pictures to the guys in Mexico to make for about half of the price. Then he'd bring the furniture back here & sell at festivals etc. Our bed cost us a whopping $400 - which back then was a HUGE amount (since we were still young & broke). We bought a queen because 1) it's all the guy had and 2) we were still living in apartments with smaller bedrooms.
While we upgraded the rest of our bedroom furniture to this really nice Thomasville set a couple of years ago, we were still hanging on to the iron bed and matched all the new furniture to it. Neither of us wanted to suggest getting rid of the bed. But we finally faced the truth a few weeks ago and admitted that we're completely cramped in that bed, and we really do have the room in the bedroom for a king bed.
So, we went to Star Furniture where we bought the rest of our bedroom suite to see if they had a matching or complimentary bed. We ended up with a GORGEOUS king sleigh bed frame and the most comfortable mattress in the world. I felt so sorry for the delivery guys though - this bed is freaking HUGE! We were honestly scared there for a bit that it wouldn't fit up the staircase & through the door. We almost had to remove the upstairs bannister rail, but luckily they were able to squeeze it in without needing to demo anything. It's PERFECT for our room. It matches our other bedroom furniture perfectly and is exactly our style. I LOVE going to bed at night... just sinking into it and snuggling in for the night. I can't wait to spend my first Lazy Hazy Sunday in bed - sleeping in until whenever and spending the whole day in bed reading, watching tv, dozing or whatever else comes to mind ;-). We don't get many of those anymore - not with a 6 year old running around the house...
P.S. I forgot to mention that 5 of us sleep in the bed every night. Hubby & me, plus 3 cats. They are SO excited about the new bed. They keep staring at it in awe - their little furry brains can barely comprehend! Anyway in the old bed, it was hubby on his side and Lily, Shelby, Willow & me on our side. The girls learned early on that "daddy" doesn't like to share his side of the bed. He has a technique we call "kitty express elevator" where he doesn't even wake up, he just shoves with all of his might and the cat goes flying off of the bed. I on the otherhand am a total pushover in my sleep, literally! I was trained early on as a kid (by my poodle) that if you push or kick me, I roll or scoot over in my sleep. I've woken up more times than I'd like to count in bizarre pretzel-like positions, with 3 cats sprawled out taking over my whole side of the bed. In the new bed, they can all 3 take their preferred spots and not impede us in the slightest! Lily has her corner up near my pillow (and sometimes ON my pillow), Willow's at the foot of the bed, and Shelby's decided she loves to sleep right in the middle between us. She and "daddy" have reached an understanding that he's ok with her there, as long as she keeps her tail off of his face at night.
A few weeks ago, my husband & I decided that it was time to get a new mattress & box springs. AND even though we were still really attached to our black iron bed - being a queen frame, we finally admitted that it was just too small & we needed to finally upgrade to a king bed. Man, I hate that! I LOVE our queen iron bed. We've had it forever and it's solid, so it'll last for decades to come. It's also a fun story to explain where we bought it. We bought it from a guy on the side of the road at the Westheimer Art/Street Festival when we were dating back in 1995. This guy told us that he had a shop in Mexico - he'd find patterns etc in the higher end furniture catalogs and take the pictures to the guys in Mexico to make for about half of the price. Then he'd bring the furniture back here & sell at festivals etc. Our bed cost us a whopping $400 - which back then was a HUGE amount (since we were still young & broke). We bought a queen because 1) it's all the guy had and 2) we were still living in apartments with smaller bedrooms.
While we upgraded the rest of our bedroom furniture to this really nice Thomasville set a couple of years ago, we were still hanging on to the iron bed and matched all the new furniture to it. Neither of us wanted to suggest getting rid of the bed. But we finally faced the truth a few weeks ago and admitted that we're completely cramped in that bed, and we really do have the room in the bedroom for a king bed.
So, we went to Star Furniture where we bought the rest of our bedroom suite to see if they had a matching or complimentary bed. We ended up with a GORGEOUS king sleigh bed frame and the most comfortable mattress in the world. I felt so sorry for the delivery guys though - this bed is freaking HUGE! We were honestly scared there for a bit that it wouldn't fit up the staircase & through the door. We almost had to remove the upstairs bannister rail, but luckily they were able to squeeze it in without needing to demo anything. It's PERFECT for our room. It matches our other bedroom furniture perfectly and is exactly our style. I LOVE going to bed at night... just sinking into it and snuggling in for the night. I can't wait to spend my first Lazy Hazy Sunday in bed - sleeping in until whenever and spending the whole day in bed reading, watching tv, dozing or whatever else comes to mind ;-). We don't get many of those anymore - not with a 6 year old running around the house...
P.S. I forgot to mention that 5 of us sleep in the bed every night. Hubby & me, plus 3 cats. They are SO excited about the new bed. They keep staring at it in awe - their little furry brains can barely comprehend! Anyway in the old bed, it was hubby on his side and Lily, Shelby, Willow & me on our side. The girls learned early on that "daddy" doesn't like to share his side of the bed. He has a technique we call "kitty express elevator" where he doesn't even wake up, he just shoves with all of his might and the cat goes flying off of the bed. I on the otherhand am a total pushover in my sleep, literally! I was trained early on as a kid (by my poodle) that if you push or kick me, I roll or scoot over in my sleep. I've woken up more times than I'd like to count in bizarre pretzel-like positions, with 3 cats sprawled out taking over my whole side of the bed. In the new bed, they can all 3 take their preferred spots and not impede us in the slightest! Lily has her corner up near my pillow (and sometimes ON my pillow), Willow's at the foot of the bed, and Shelby's decided she loves to sleep right in the middle between us. She and "daddy" have reached an understanding that he's ok with her there, as long as she keeps her tail off of his face at night.
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