Friday, December 14, 2007

I can eat again!

I ate a scrambled egg last night... OH MY GOD - I've never been so excited about eating a scrambled egg in my life! LOL

So Tuesday you know I went back to liquids only. Basically I was getting all of my protein & nutrition from Yoplait or Dannon bottled yogurt. I splurged and ate half a cup of pureed potato soup both nights at dinner, and it did ok too. BTW - I love HEB's baked potato soup that you get in their Cafe on the Run or whatever it's called. It's chunky with bits of bacon, cheese, and green onions in it, so I just popped it in the blender for a sec or two. Anyway... yogurt drinks and pureed potato soup were all I dared Tuesday and Wednesday. I talked to the doctor's office on Wednesday and she said the problem was either 1) my body was just cranky about the fill and needed time to adjust, or 2) they'd put too much saline in the band making the ring too tight and solid food was clogging the drain (so to speak). If it was 1) I just needed to back off solids for a day or two and slowly walk myself up to soft foods and then to regular solids. If it was 2) I wouldn't see any improvement and still wouldn't be able to eat solids a few days later. Luckily, I think it was 1). I started with cottage cheese Wednesday night - it took me an hour to eat 4 oz, but YAY I did it without pain! I was a complete moron yesterday morning - I stopped by my favorite little cafe' & coffee bar for a mocha latte, and they had freshly baked choc chip cookies. I rationalized it to myself that the cookies were soft, but I didn't think about them being all carbs - and exactly the kind I can't have. I nibbled at work and made it through half of one cookie before the pain hit, and OMG did it hit. Same as with the cottage cheese, severe chest pain and nauseau. My coworkers were so worried about me, I was sweaty & clammy and just looked awful. Luckily it passed in about 10 minutes and I threw the damn cookies away. No way Jose, not again! So I went back to my yogurts and cottage cheese for the rest of the day. I decided to go out on a limb when I got home last night and scrambled an egg... YAY - it went down with no prob at all! I was so happy I was almost giddy! Again, it took me most of an hour to eat one scrambled egg, but I don't care - I ATE AN EGG! Woohoo! So now I've moved up my list of soft foods to oatmeal. I can have oatmeal as long as it's really watery. That's not the most appetizing thing in the world, but I don't care. I'M EATING OATMEAL! LOL Go me! I'm so excited!


Anonymous said...

U go girl! I know this is tuff but you can do it. Just think about all of those V-Secrets waiting for you and all that new stuff you can buy from P-R! Hang in there and that sex goddess will soon emerge. Am I really your mother-in-law saying this stuff?

I had a good laugh about the cookie, only you would eat a chocolate chip cookie for your first solid food!