SO... last night I stopped my car at my mailbox before pulling into the driveway, when my son in the backseat suddenly started screaming bloody murder and crying hysterically. What the hell??? Turns out a huge grasshopper had flown in the car, and my son is TERRIFIED of bugs right now. So now I'm trying to calm him down, shoo the grasshopper out the windows, and pull the car into the driveway at the same time. I actually made it, stopped the car, and told B to get out. He couldn't - he was frozen in place with fear (great) staring at the grasshopper (which was on the ceiling right next to the dome light). Oh and btw, I thought I did a great job staying calm up to that point - I have to say, that was the biggest freaking grasshopper I'd ever seen. B finally started inching out the back door when the killer grasshopper dove at my head and down the collar of my shirt. OH MY GOD! I screamed and started yanking my shirt over my head. This is where things got bad... I thought the car was in park already and obviously I was wrong, because the next thing I knew I heard a loud crunch, looked up, and I was smushed against the garage door. In my screaming and yanking fit, my foot slipped off of the brake. THANK GOD I didn't hit the gas!! I rolled into the door, crunching/denting it and scratching my front bumper. It could have been a lot worse. Thank God for small miracles huh... The garage door's going to need to be replaced, but luckily we have home owner's insurance... and car insurance - which will cover the paint job my car's going to need...
Oh - and to top it all off, I'm walking out to the car with my son this morning and he says "I liked the garage door like it was before"... yeah, well me too...

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