Thursday, July 17, 2008

Branded by a dime

Here's a word of wisdom, helpful hint, life lesson, or whatever you want to call it. "Never sit on change that has been baking in the sun all day".

I hate getting into my car after work. It is an absolute oven after being parked in the bright sunlight for 8 hours. But of course I have no choice if I want to get home. So, yesterday I headed to my car as usual after work. On auto-pilot, not thinking or looking, I plopped down on to the drivers seat. Suddenly I felt this sharp searing pain in my left butt-cheek (for lack of a better word). What the hell??? I reached underneath and pulled out a dime. Obviously in my haste, I failed to notice the dime that had been roasting in the sun on my car seat all day. I just plopped my happy butt down on top of it. Holy crap that hurt!! I swear, I must have a brand of President Roosevelt permanently burned on to my butt! I guess I'll just tell people I'm really patriotic and love FDR. Then again, who's going to see my butt besides hubby anyway??