Friday, November 9, 2007

My new book is here - yay!

I had a good surprise waiting for me when I got to the office this morning --- my latest JD Robb book came in and was waiting on my desk! It's really odd too, I was just talking about those books last night and now here's the latest! Now I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend --- it's a hard back, 337 pages, but I should be done with it by Monday.

I found the JD Robb "In Death" series about 7 years ago. I love Nora Roberts, she's one of my fav authors, and I discovered that she also writes this series under the pseudonym JD Robb. There are 27 total in the series - set in New York starting around the year 2050, about a homocide Lieutenant, her cases and her life. They're all named "something In Death" and you have to read them in order. Each book centers on Lieutenant Eve Dallas's latest case, but in them you get to know her, her life and family/friends. Each book picks up where the previous ended - introducing her to her husband - her courtship, wedding, and married life; her best friend's life - courtship, wedding, and children; her husband's skeletons and struggles, etc. Each time I pick up a new book, it's like catching up with an old friend. I've become attached to these characters. I have all 27 books in my collection - proudly displayed on their own shelf in my book case. The first 15 or so in paperback (bought used all at once it seems, so I could catch up) and the remaining in hardback. I even have it set up now so Amazon alerts me when a new book is available for pre-order and ships it to me the first day possible. (How's that for obsessive?)

Anyway - I can't wait to dive into "Creation in Death" and read all about Eve's latest case...

Titles by JD Robb:
Naked in Death
Glory in Death
Immortal in Death
Rapture in Death
Ceremony in Death
Vengeance in Death
Holiday in Death
Midnight in Death
Conspiracy in Death
Loyalty in Death
Witness in Death
Judgement in Death
Betrayel in Death
Interlude in Death
Seduction in Death
Reunion in Death
Purity in Death
Portrait in Death
Imitation in Death
Divided in Death
Visions in Death
Survivor in Death
Origin in Death
Memory in Death
Born in Death
Innocent in Death
Creation in Death
Jointly with Nora Roberts - Remember When