Thursday, November 29, 2007

Life Update

Oh my God, there is SO MUCH going on in my life right now! I saw a tshirt last week that would be perfect for me right now: "I'm Moving At 33 RPM In An iPod World". That is SO ME right now. It seems everything is just rushing 90mph around me and I'm having the hardest time keeping up. Okay, so here's an update on almost everything going on - everything I can think of anyway.

1. My brother - He's back at the VA Hospital. He's not completely back in our reality, but he's close. It was touch and go there for a while - he'd mentally regressed to a time about 10 years ago when he was in the Navy and stationed in Fort Worth. He thought we were all playing a practical joke or "punking" him when we talked about hospitals, aneurysms, and overdoses of Valium. My parents went to the VA Hospital and raised holy hell (gently of course) about the incompetence of whoever gave my brother the Valium. Needless to say, the hospital is accommodating just about everything my mother asks for in order to keep them happy & quiet. (I bet Wayne Dolcefino would have a field day with that one!) My brother transferred back to the VA's long term care ward on Friday, and he'll be there indefinitely. He has to be monitored 24 hours a day now. So if he does ever leave the VA, he'll go to a nursing home type facility. BUT we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now he's safe and happy back at the VA.

2. Break up - well it looks like my friends are definitely breaking up. I was (and still am actually) holding out hope that she'd come to her senses and come back home, but that hasn't happened yet. I've never been this close before to someone whose long term relationship has crumbled. OMG it's a killer! I hope & pray I never have to go through it myself.

3. Weight - My friend says she hasn't been able to eat for almost 3 weeks, her nerves are just shot from all the stress & worry of the break up. I think I've been eating my share PLUS hers. I'm a stress eater, and with all the stress between my son's surgery, my brother's issues, and my friends' break up, I've been scarfing down everything in sight! I've gained 3 pounds in the last few weeks. Ugh!!

4. Son's Surgery - My son is doing great after his surgery, thank God. He's pretty much back to normal. He had a follow up with the surgeon yesterday who said he's healing right on schedule... great!

I've been a bit out of it so far this week, Tuesday I forgot to "press" the coffee grinds in my french press pot before I poured my mug of coffee -- so I got crunchy coffee... eeewww.... and it's basically been downhill from there. I'm sitting here today nodding off as if I didn't sleep at all last night --- weird, cause I got about 6 hours of sleep. Oh well... just drink more coffee...