Mark my words... one day, my son will be on Broadway! He absolutely LOVES to sing, dance, and act! I heard him singing this morning while I was getting dressed. I didn't have to see him to be able to picture the scene. He was singing like Pavarotti, with a serious bellow & bravato -- I just know his arms were up & open. The funny thing is that he was only singing "This and That! That and This!" over an over! But it was like "Thiiiiiiiiis and Thaaaaaaaat! Thaaaaaaaat and Thiiiiiiiiiis!" over and over again! LOL!! He's always making up songs for everything he does. It doesn't even have to make sense, he's still singing! He loves anything to do with music. We took him to Disney World when he was 3, and one of his favorite things was the Beauty & The Beast stage show. He was mesmorized! Last year my parents took him to the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular show - again, he was enthralled. We love to watch So You Think You Can Dance and Dancing With The Stars together - it's a fun Mommy & Benjamin activity. I think I own every movie and play soundtrack published, especially if it's Disney - and we LOVE to sing in the car together. Plus - we own High School Musical 1 & 2 DVD's and Disney's Jump In. He will watch the dance scenes, rewind & play again while mimicking the stars' dance moves. He does this over and over until he has it perfected. (Which honestly, only take two or three tries!)
Anyone who knows the kid knows he's overly dramatic with EVERYTHING he does and says. He's perfect for the stage! We're enrolling him in jazz & hip-hop dance and musical theater classes in the spring. I know he's going to love it all!
And just you wait Henry Higgins --- you'll see his name in lights one day!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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