Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Lap-Band Issues

Warning... TMI ahead...

The tech told me yesterday when she did my fill that I'd really be able to feel a restriction this time. She said that for some reason, everyone's first fill doesn't really do anything. I think your body is still trying to get used to it, plus the band's never been filled before -- I don't know, whatever. That explains A LOT though because I have been able to eat way more than I expected to. I was able to eat whole McD's Happy Meals and such -- WAY more than I should have been. I even gained 3 lbs - not good!

Anyway, she said I could feel the restriction and HOLY CRAP was she right! Per her instructions, I stuck with liquids only yesterday - liquid yogurt, milk, and potato soup put in the blender. I could move up to soft foods today, so I tried a little cup of cottage cheese this morning. OH NO - bad idea! I don't know if I was taking too big of bites (I thought I was just nibbling), the amount in general (half of an individual serving cup), or it was just too much food for me right now. Another possibility is that she filled my band TOO much and it's too tight for anything more than liquids to pass.

Whatever happened, the cottage cheese made me deathly ill. OMG did I hurt! So now I can officially say that I've been sick from my lap-band. I was so unique that I hadn't puked so far - apparently it's common until you get everything adjusted correctly & your body settles. This is NOT fun - I'm scared to eat now! Of course I know I have to, but yeesh! So, I've taken a step back and am on just liquids again for the day, and I have a call in to my doc to talk about it.

Just forewarning for all of you... I get VERY cranky & bitchy when I can't eat, so watch out!