Monday, May 5, 2008

Quit my job - yikes!

Oh my goodness. I just turned in my resignation at work. May 23rd is my last day. YIKES! I hope I'm doing the right thing! Actually, I know I am. It's just a big change and really hard for me. I miss so much time being out sick, I've already used up all of my vacation and sick time for the year. I did the same thing last year, used up all of my time by April and so I had no days off for the rest of the year. Besides, it really is hard on the office for the receptionist to be out so much. They have to scramble to get a temp in to cover the switchboard every time. It's not like a general admin position where my work can just wait until I get back. Plus, I really hate that I've missed out on several chances to volunteer at my son's school this year. Like next week is his Field Day, I REALLY wish I could take the day off to be his cheerleader for the day, but I just can't. BUT - with quitting my full-time job, I'm going to work temp again. That way I have a more flexible schedule and I can just choose to work certain days or not. I've been here 4 years though - the longest I've been at any job. This is going to be a big change for me. I'm soooo scared! My stomach was so queasy this morning when I had to tell my boss, my nerves had me all tied up in knots!

Wish me luck! and I'll keep you posted...