Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bumper stickers of cars past

I bought my first car in 1992 - a 1976 Volvo steel box on wheels. The first thing I did was put my stickers on the back window. I know I know, I was such a little radical liberal tree hugger back then. (btw - these stickers may or may not reflect my current political views/endorsements)

(and no, I don't know what was up with the Yaga Ragz sticker. I think it was a present from my cousin.)

My first two cars - the Volvo and a 1982 Dodge K Car - had the above stickers. Thinking back, it cracks me up that I had my pro-environment, hippy tree hugger bumper stickers on two serious gas guzzlers/CO exhaust fume producers...

My next two cars only had one sticker... my AIDS ribbon. I guess I was going for a simple statement at the time.

Bessie's first bumper sticker was from the Dixie Chicks concert I went to years ago:

That one went out of style after not too long, so it was removed quite some time ago... scroll down for Bessie's current stickers...