Monday, November 12, 2007

I have brown hair!

Ack! I have brown hair! A slight hair salon misjudgement has resulted in me becoming the world's latest brunette. For a girl who's been naturally blonde all of her life, this is serious!

So I go to my stylist on Friday -- it's time to get my roots done. For the past year now, I've had bright red streaks and light blonde highlights in my hair. Usually when she first does it, the red is WOW bright red (actually mimicked Manic Panic Vampire Red last time) but it fades quickly into a bright copper color. It's really bold, but I like it.

So the first thing my stylist asks me is do I have any fancy parties or holiday portraits scheduled soon. I answered "no", and she exhales & says "great". Huh?? It reminded me of Steele Magnolias - "Does your dress have to go over your head?" "I'm nervous and my work tends to be poofy when I'm nervous." She then explains that the hair color company she has used her whole career closed and she doesn't know if she can match the color I normally use. I told her don't worry about it, I'm not that picky. Use me as guinea pig, experiment away! So... I have 3 colors in my hair now in addition to my natural color -- a base color of sandy brown/dirty blonde, blonde highlights, and coppery brown streaks. It's darker than I've ever had before! But - unbelievably, I like it. And it's gotten a pretty good reception with the family, so I'm going to keep it. Who knows - maybe I'll be smarter as a brunette! Uh-oh... I just hope I don't lose out on some fun!