Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Back to the rat race

I started my new (contract) job this morning. Wow I didn't think it'd be this big of an adjustment going back to the professional/corporate world. Hubby was right - I'd gotten really lazy about working recently. I'd been at the same company for almost 4 years, and laid back barely describes that place.

Clothing wise -- I was always one of the more put together, nicer dressers at my last office - but even my wardrobe had recently taken a swing towards casual. I'd gotten really lazy and mainly wore slacks and golf shirts. I figured if the guys in the office could get away with it, so could I. I spent most of last week and the weekend buying dresses, suits, heels, hose, and a Spanx or two. And whoa, was I out of my comfort zone this morning as I dressed. I've got it all on - a dress, hose, heels, jewelry, and even a slip!

Of course I have to look put together, I'm the receptionist - or Front Desk Coordinator as we're now called. I have the skills of an executive assistant and could easily do those positions, but I don't know, I just like being the girl behind the giant marble desk. I've been doing this same position for over 10 years now. I like having the contact with all of the people coming and going. You can really perk up someone's day with just a smile and a "good morning" or "have a good evening". People think the receptionists are the bottom of the totem pole, and sometimes we are, but what you don't realize is that we're the ones who know everything that's going on in the company. We see who's coming and going, who's meeting whom, and who's calling. Up here in my little receptionist bubble (as I call it), I can see into all of the company groups and orgs without having to get wrapped up in them.

Well - It's the end of day one... and I made it! I have to admit I panicked a time or two today, but that's normal on a first day I think. Compared to my office of all of 25 people, this place is freaking huge! It's the corporate headquarters for a division of a Fortune 500 drilling, oil & gas company. What's wild is that even though it's the corporate headquarters, there's also a plant on site -- so in addition to managers and executives in their business dress, there are tons of guys in Dickie overalls and protective glasses walking through.

To be continued...