Thursday, June 5, 2008

That bitch took my hair!

So... the company I'm going to work for requires all of its employees to pass both a urine and hair alcohol and drug test... No problem - or so I thought... All I know about hair follicle testing is what I've seen on CSI - where all they need is one hair with the follicle attached. Umm - not in the real world. The lady sectioned off part of my hair on the top of my head and took scissors to me. WHAT??? She cut a small patch out - about the width of a pencil. "Whoa, how much hair are you cutting?!" She said, "I'm not done." WHAT!?!?!?! She sectioned off and cut about three or four more sections. I couldn't believe it. Of course she took a little bit here and a little bit there, so I didn't have a gaping hole/missing chunk of hair, but still. I can feel the little snags of fuzz at my scalp where she cut the pieces out. As soon as she stopped, I thought "why didn't I ask if she could cut it from the underside of my hair by my neck?" Of course it was too late then. While she was cutting, I was just frozen in place. I kept thinking, "that's got to be the last bit right? RIGHT????" I'm still freaking out about it... I can't wait to see what my stylist says at my hair appointment next week. Probably ask me if it was the result of big night of drinking.