Thursday, June 26, 2008

THURSDAY 13 - Insulting Nicknames for my cat

Now that I'm back to blogging regularly, I'm rejoining the ranks of THURSDAY 13 - woohoo!
Today's list is 13 insulting nicknames hubby and I have come up with for my cat. Let me explain - we have 3 cats: Shelby, Lily, and Willow. Willow is the youngest at 9, and though she's equally both of our cat, she favors me. Shelby and Lily are both 13 and were both mine before hubby & I got together. Within 2 hours of meeting hubby, Lily was smitten and no longer my cat but his. Shelby was a different story. She's always been a little 'off kilter' let's say. I say 'special' but most others would say 'psychotic'. The vet says it's because 1) she's a tortoise shell calico and they're always a little batty in the brain, and 2) she was an orphan kitty (I got her at 3 weeks) and never had a mother to teach her what's 'too rough' of behavior. Either way, she's always been a bit vicious and always hated everyone but me. She adores me - sleeps on my pillow at night, snuggles with me on the couch, is my shadow wherever I go in the house, comes when I whistle, and is always licking & grooming me.

One of the biggest past times in our house is making up goofy nicknames for the cats. I know I know, we're total dorks for it, but what can I say - it's fun! We have nicknames for all 3 of them, but Shelby I think has the most - and the most insulting. I swear, she was a beer guzzling, belching, obnoxious guy in a past life. It totally fits her personality. Either that or a dog LOL. She drools constantly - I mean big spit globbers, like a large dog, she fetches bottle caps & other little toys, she growls and even barks sometimes, and she's the messiest eater.

Anyway... enough background story - here's my list of nicknames:

1. Slobberface
2. Slobberific
3. Slobbericious
4. Grumpelstilskin
5. Grumplefugly
6. Snufalufu-butt (as in Sesame Street’s Snufalufacus)
7. O Cranky One
8. Pet Cemetery (thanks Chris)
9. El Gato de Diablo (thanks Taylor)
10. The Dog
11. Stink-a-saurus
12. Stink-zilla
13. Grumble-butt

Notice the pissed off expression...

This one she's trying to look vicious and mean, but she's actually yawning...