Friday, June 13, 2008

New Job etc Part 2

I started the last post Tuesday afternoon at the office thinking I'd finish it that evening at home. I did not anticipate my body completely shutting down the minute I walked through the door. I could barely move my arms much less think and type a blog entry. Here it is, 3 days later and I'm just now getting around to writing more...

Things are going really well at work. It's still a shock to my system to be back in the professional world, but I'm adjusting much more quickly than I thought I would. Kind of like riding a bike, you never forget completely. But it's still night and day to what I've been doing for the last few years. I went from a small office of 25 with almost no on-site visitors and few calls to a company with about 800 employees and a constant flow of visitors all day. For the past 4 years I've been doing just about everything to keep myself busy - email, surf the web, read tons of books & magazines, and IM constantly all day. Now I'm bombarded with so many calls & visitors, I barely have time to check email once much less IM. So THIS is what it's like to work for a living - oh yeah, I think I remember now!