Friday, June 27, 2008

Good Day

Today is going to be a good day - I just know it! The morning is starting out great so far --

- Hubby's out of town, so I had to both get myself and my son up and out of the house early so I could drop him off at day-care before heading to work. Mission Accomplished! It was actually much easier than I expected - he actually woke up early on his own so I didn't have to battle with a comatose rugrat.

- I weighed myself this morning. I've lost another 2 lbs, so I'm finally back down to my lowest weight (I'd gained 10 lbs back since April...). So I'm wearing my now loose jeans to work and a shirt I haven't worn in a year. Yay me!

So yeah... if the day keeps up with this morning, it's going to be a good day!