Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dreamed about my dad

I had a dream about my dad last night - weird. I haven't dreamed about him in forever. Years ago, I would dream that I was trapped in his house with him and couldn't get out. Then the dreams changed to me screaming and yelling at him - all the things I wanted to say in real life, but never had the nerve. But even those stopped a few years ago. I really can't tell you the last time I dreamt of him. This dream was different too. Papa was in it - my dad's father. He died when I was in 6th grade, and I really only remember dreaming of him once - just after his death.

So anyway... the dream... the two of them lived together in a house on pilings in some made up coastal town. For some reason I had stopped to visit and ended up deciding to stay the night. Everything started out well enough - I remember talking to my grandfather and just having the feeling of knowing my father was near by. I was really happy being able to talk to Papa. (He was always one of my favorites, and I just hung the moon for him. He lived with us and was one of my major caregivers until his death in 1985 or 1986.) It was getting late and dark, and I decided to stay instead of driving all the way home at night. My dad was very welcoming and hospitable at first, but then started in with nagging, insulting, and just being plain mean to me. He wasn't obvious about it, they were just little jabs here and there and grumbles under his breath, but I finally couldn't take it anymore and went off on him. I remember just blowing up and chewing his butt about everything and saying I wouldn't stand for it anymore - I didn't have to put up with it, and I was leaving. I turned to Papa and said again how wonderful it was to see him, I hadn't in so long, but for my own sanity, I had to go.

The dream didn't have much substance to it. It wasn't one of the seriously in-depth, detailed dreams I usually have, but it stuck with me all day - the emotions and frustration stayed with me all day. It's odd - I wonder what brought it on...